2) School Pickings

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Dear Diary,
                     I met this guy. His name is Axel, and he is super nice, cute, and not to mention protective, but that’s beside the point, he’s in my class and mom thinks I like him, but he is just my friend! And I, Azri Jacobs, would never like a guy just because he is cute, funny, and kind! Ok, maybe I like him a little, but just a little bit! Not that much!

The weekend was over, and everyone, and I mean everyone, was ready for school, except me. Everybody was whispering and all I could hear was,

“Who do you think is going to be picked?” I had no idea what-so-ever about what they were talking about, until class started.

“Ok, class, as you all know you will be receiving your powers today!” said Professor Johnsen, our geography teacher.

“I can’t wait!” squealed a girl from the back of the room. Just then the door flew open and in came Axel.

“Late again, Mr. Evans!” Professor Johnsen loudly.

“Sorry, Professor!” Axel exclaimed anxiously.

“Would you like to tell the class why you were late, Mr. Evans?” asked Professor Johnsen.

“I’d rather not talk about it,” Axel said with a hint of sadness in his voice, shifting his feet.

“Alright then, go have a seat,” said Professor Johnsen. Axel seemed to have known where I was at because he walked with his head down all the way to the seat beside me.

“Hey, is something wrong?” I asked him thoughtfully.

“Huh,...er…well, I’ll talk to you about it later, ok?” he answered, slightly surprised. The classes carried on until right after lunch.

“I will call you all off one by one to go to the auditorium to receive your powers!” said our homeroom teacher, who likes to be called by her first name: Professor Cassie. I was at least the second to last in line when I finally got to go in.

“Azri Jacobs!” called Professor Cassie. I took a deep breath and headed in.

“Good luck!” called Axel who hadn’t yet got his powers. I walked in the auditorium and sat on the chair that seemed to be waiting for me.

“So, you're Jacobs, are you?" said a cool voice.

“Yes, I am,” I responded quickly.

“Good, now I need you to focus. Close your eyes, and tell me what you see,” said the cool voice. As soon as I closed my eyes I saw a jumble of things from fire, to ice, to stars and galaxies, to things floating in the air.
“Dear Diary, 

                     I met this guy. His name is Axel, and he is super nice, cute, and not to mention protective, but that’s beside the point, he’s in my class and mom thinks I like him, but he is just my friend! And I, Azri Jacobs, would never like a guy just because he is cute, funny, and kind! Ok, maybe I like him a little, but just a little bit! Not that much! 

The weekend was over, and everyone, and I mean everyone, was ready for school, except me. Everybody was whispering and all I could hear was, “Who do you think is going to be picked?” I had no idea what-so-ever about what they were talking about, until class started. 

“Ok, class, as you all know you will be receiving your powers today!” said Professor Johnsen, our geography teacher. 

“I can’t wait!” squealed a girl from the back of the room. Just then the door flew open and in came Axel. 

“Late again, Mr. Evans!” Professor Johnsen loudly. 

“Sorry, Professor!” Axel exclaimed anxiously.

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