5) The Mission and the Squad

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“That was a long day of training!” exclaimed Axel. It had been three months since we got to the fortress, and we were trained to the breaking point. We were specialized personnel trained for the worst of the worst and were ready to attack any day.

“Hey, Mujika, I have a question,” I said courteously.

“Yes, Azri?” Mujika answered.

“What happened to Casey Conly?” I asked her quietly so that the boys wouldn’t hear, even though they were laughing at something Sanjin, Mujika’s older brother, said. Because Damian was gifted the power of hearing, he could hear any human within two meters of him talking.
Mujika looked at me suspiciously,

“Well, it’s a long story, but,” She took a deep breath and said, “to put it shortly, from what I have heard from her teammates, she was captured by the The Dark Lord’s servants and never seen again.”
I felt my head lower into my knees as I thought about what they did to Casey.

“Is there any chance that she is still alive?” I asked patiently.

“Not a very high chance, no, but there is still a possibility that she is,” Mujika answered.

“You think?” I asked.

“Yes,” Mujika answered.

“Azri, c’mon! We have to go back to our apartment!” Axel called.

“Yeah, c’mon Snow Hair!” Damian called with a laugh. He still called me Snow Hair even after those three long months of tired days and nights, not talking to each other for days, and endless training. We also stayed in a little apartment together, three bedrooms, one room kitchen, two bathrooms, and a balcony overlooking the large city of Naila, Japan, the city of demons, with outstanding sunrises and sunsets, beautiful buildings and skyscrapers. It was a joy to live there.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming, I’m coming!” I shouted to them. 

As we walked out of the training building I caught a glimpse of a familiar face.

“Casey?!” I  exclaimed as I turned on my heels to face her. The person stopped short, her face turned slightly so that I could see her eyes.

“Yes, Azri?” Casey asked slyly. Damian and Axel bolted in front of me.

“Wha-what are you doing here in Naila? I thought you were captured!” I asked her.

“It’s simple, Az-” her voice hushed when she laid eyes on Damian, “You- you traitor!” She screamed at Damian. Damian looked startled at the sudden approach and stumbled backward against me.
“I thought you were supposed to be a villain!” Casey yelled.

“I was never, and will never, be the villain, Casey! It’s all in your head, I was never the villain!” he shouted at Casey.

“You weren’t? Then why did you leave that useless notebook for me to find?” she snapped at him.

“The book was fake! It was never real, the information in there was about the servants of Lord Casfer!” Damian yelled.

“Wha-what?” Casey inquired.

“He’s not lying, Casey,” Axel called to her, backing Damian up. Damian turned on his heels and stomped off, with a look of pure rage on his face.

When we got to the apartment, we sat down on the sofa and relaxed.

“You know, I’m starting to dislike her,” I said quietly.

“Same,” Axel and Damian said in unison.

“I can’t believe she accused me of being a villain,” Damian said with a sigh of annoyance.

“I know! I mean you're too kind and sweet to be a villain!” I told him, his face went a light shade of magenta.

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