6) Recovery and Discovery

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“What’s going on?” I asked quietly. I could hear whispers like:
“She’s awake.”
“I thought she died.”

Tears swam in my eyes as I thought of Damian and Axel, injured and hurting, and it was all my fault.

“Shh, it’s okay. They're fine now,” a familiar voice promised me.

A soft hand brushed a white strand of hair out of my face. I opened my eyes just enough to see my mother’s beautiful blue-eyed, white-haired face come into a blurry view.

“M-mom?” I inquired, restless and tiredly.

“Yes, dear, I'm here, and so is your sister and father,” Mom said. Something sweet touched my tongue.

“Wha-what is that? It’s really sweet.” I stammered.

“A little concoction of mine,” answered a girl's voice.

“Yeah, you give us terrible tasting stuff and you give her something sweet, Reona! I bet Reina would have done better, or Sylvia, probably Sylvia,” I heard Axel say while Damian was gagging on something.
At least they are okay, I thought.

“Yeah, no need to worry about us! We’re fine!” Damian announced sarcastically, making me giggle. Axel and Damian laughed at each other as I opened my eyes.

“Yeah, after I saved both of your butts out there, you should pay me some respect,” I said sitting up. I saw Casey watching me patiently in a wooden chair, curling her hair with her finger.

“Oh, am I supposed to bow at the queen? Should I, Damian?” Axel teased, while Damian bowed and so did Axel.

“I’m just glad to see my oldest alive,” my dad told me. I grinned.

“I want to be like you when I’m older, Azri!” Mayla chimed in. I smiled at my little sister. Then, I frowned. There was something about the way Casfer acted that had caught me off guard.

“Casey, did Casfer say anything to you about why he was there the other night?” I inquired, looking at Casey. I wasn’t the only one who was studying his expression, many others did too.

“Yes, I believe he said he was looking for some locket that could give him unlimited power, something to bring back someone called Queen Kumishi,” she answered, looking at the ground to think.
My mom coughed and looked alarmed at what Casey said.

“Q-Queen Kumishi?” Mom stuttered, looking at Casey with a disheveled expression, no one answered back. I didn't know what to make of my mom’s look, and just sat there staring at the ground, trying to think of what she meant by “locket.”

Everyone sat in silence for what felt like an hour.

“I’ve got it! The locket is Locket Evarblaze! A locket that gives anyone unlimited power! That’s what he is looking for, but…” Damian said, not finishing the sentence.

“But, what?” Axel asked leaning to look Damian in the eyes.

“But, it’s been lost for over two hundred centuries, which means it’s going to be hard to find,” Damian added.

“I guess we’re going locket hunting, boys!” I exclaimed, throwing my arms in the air as Damian pulled out an old ragged textbook that looked like it came from the Academy. He flipped to a certain page and held the book up for Axel and me to see. The page showed a cobalt blue locket piece on a silver chain.

“It doesn’t look like an Evarblaze, it’s blue!” Axel said, pointing at the page.

“It’s blue to make sure no one will recognize it, but it turns a very deep shade of blood red when activated,” Damian corrected him.

“Okay, mister textbook man,” Axel teased. Damian smacked his arm. Axel yelped.

“Hey! Let Azri talk, Axel!” Mayla stomped over to Axel.

“She doesn’t want to talk, I don’t think,” Damain told her, looking in my direction. I shook my head, and looked out the closest window.

I guess we are going on another mission, I thought, sighing.

As we left the healing center, the healers caught up to us.

“Hey! I’m Reona, and this is Reina and Sylvia,” Reona said, hoping to catch a glance from Damian, but he just kept to his phone.

“Nice to meet you,” I said, kindly, Axel glared at her and wrapped his arm around Damian and pulled him toward the exit. Reona’s face fell as Damian left, but she still carried on a conversation with me.

“So, we are going to have to try and beat Casfer to the locket so we can hide it even better,” Axel said, pacing back and forth outside our apartment.

“Yeah, before he finds out we hid it somewhere else!” Damian told us.

"I agree with Damian," Axel agreed.

When we got into the apartment Axel and Damian both collapsed on the couch while Axel fell asleep the second his head hit the backrest on the couch.

"We are going on another mission? Hey, Azri," Damian snapped his fingers in my face to get my attention.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry," I replied, fidgeting with my hair. Damian sighed as Axel's head slid onto his shoulder. I chuckled at them as Damian's eyes fluttered shut, and he rested his head on Axel's fluffy red hair and fell asleep. I got up and grabbed a fuzzy blanket from the floor. The cut on my arm ached as I put the blanket over top of Damian and Axel.

Axel and Damian were in deep conversation. I didn't care to know about it, as we walked into our Boss's office, ready for the task he was going to give us.

"No, I don't get what you are saying, Damian!" Axel exclaimed. I jabbed my elbow into his stomach, and he glared at me.

"Now you three probably know what you are going to do," said Jaki.

"Look for a locket, yeah," Axel answered rather glumly. We walked out of the office and set off for the academy, hoping to get some information there.

"Wha-what are you three doing here? You are supposed to be dead!" The principal exclaimed when she saw us in the library. Damian didn't look up. He just kept flipping pages, unlike Axel and I, who looked up in shock. Damian was murmuring something to himself as he skimmed a page.

"You are not allowed in the academy! Get out!" she screamed. I held up my hand and felt it snap and bang with light, and the principal back up a few steps before dropping to the floor.

"I heard you three were back!” We all looked up to see Jason Meyers standing where the principal was standing.

"Jason!" I exclaimed, running to give him a hug.

"I've got what I'm looking for, we should go," Damian pipped up, nodding at Jason.

"Well, it was good seeing you guys," Jason said. We all gave him a hug and were on our way.

"So, he hasn't been kicked yet, huh?" Axel teased as the academy doors flew open to let us by.

"I guess not," Damian agreed.

"We should take a trip home don't you think?" Damian inquired.

"That sounds awesome right now," Axel and I said in unison.

I thought about what was to come as we set off for home that evening, locket hunting, being hunted by Lord Casfer, and getting back safely, was mainly what I was thinking about when I was snapped back to reality by Axel.

"Are you going say hello to your grandparents, Azri?" he asked me, looking from me to my grandparents.

"Oh, yeah."

After a chat with our parents and grandparents, we went shopping.

"Hey, cheer up!" Axel and Damian said together, grabbing my arm and pulling me forward. Maybe this adventure wasn't going to be so bad after all.


*dramaticly* The author is back! This is where book 1 ends! Volume 2 is in the making! Stay tuned! Love you all!

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