3) Academy Courses

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It was Monday of our first week of school and we were rushing to get our work done and on time.

Snow was blowing around and everyone was trying desperately to keep warm while walking across campus.

“Axel, do you have your hat and scarf?” I shouted from the top of the stairs as Axel opened the door of our house.

“Yeah, I do!” Axel shouted back.

“Just text me when you are on your way back, okay?” I said.

“Yes, I will, don’t worry, Azri,” Axel reassured me. It was only ten degrees outside, and I wanted to make sure Axel wouldn’t freeze when he walked to his job.

Also, girls and boys have different classes some days. It’s every other day that we have class together. Axel and I have classes together on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which isn’t a lot, but at least we get to stay in the same house as each other!

“I’ll be back around 12:00, okay?” Axel told me. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” he yelled as he started down the sidewalk.

“I won’t, bye!” I yelled back. I stood in the doorway for a minute or two daydreaming about class on Monday. “Okay, time to get to work,” I said to myself as I snapped out of daydreaming.

From 7:00 to 8:00 I worked on decorating the house to tip-top shape for when Axel came home. From 8:00 to 9:00 I worked on my design for a spring dress I was going to make. From 9:00 to 10:00 I worked on ideas for a pet (we can have at least two pets in the house) that Axel and I would both like. I finally settled with a Pomeranian. From 10:00 to 11:00 I picked out outfits for the weekend. And, from 11:00 to 12:00, I got lunch ready for when Axel came back from his job.

“I'm back!” Axel yelled as he opened the door.

“Good, how was work?” I asked him.

“Oh, you know, the cafe was busy as always,” he said, sounding extremely tired.

“It was that busy!” I said sympathetically. “Well, I made lunch,” I said, getting up off the couch.

“You didn’t have to, though, Azri,” Axel said, still sounding tired.

“Well, I did so. You're going to eat it,” I replied.

“What is it?” he asked me.

“Your favorite, pizza!” I said happily. Axel smiled widely and got up. After we ate, Axel lay down on the couch and turned on the TV.

“I think I know what pet we could get,” I said excitedly.

“Oh yeah, and what is that?” Axel asked as he looked at me with his sleepy-eyed expression on his face.

“A Pomeranian!” I said, still excited.

“That sounds awesome,” Axel said as he drifted into a soundless sleep. I smiled, grabbed a blanket, and laid it over Axel.
“Goodnight Axel,” I whispered.

The next morning was amazing. Axel and I went shopping, and he was still being a little too overprotective of me.

“I said no, Azri, that top is too short!” He told me as I snatched the shirt off the rack from behind his back.
Then, we went to the pet shop down the street.

“Axel, this one is so cute!” I squealed as he walked over to me.

“Is she a Pomeranian?” he asked.

“Yes, yes she is,” I said in a matter of fact kind of voice.

After we got home, I started rolling off names that I thought were cute. We settled on the name “Kaira'' and she seemed to like it. The next week was miserable. We had a truck load of school work. I didn't know that coming to a magic school like this one would be so hard!

“Today in class, we will be learning how to activate our powers!” said Professor Misa. Her blue eyes scanned the classroom. “Azri, why don't you go first?”

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