4) School Mystery

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No one spoke to each other on Friday, because today we would put our powers to the test. Axel went first, scoring a nine out of ten. Casey went second, though she had a harder time controlling her powers. She scored a five out of ten. Jason was there today and he scored an eight out of ten. I went after everyone, so I guess you could say I was last.

“Azri, it's your turn!” Casey shouted to me. I was daydreaming.

“What? Oh, sorry, Professor!” I yelled. As I walked by Axel, he gave me a reassuring look and I gave him a weary smile.

“Alright, are you ready?” Professor Maxwell asked me.

“Yeah, I'm ready!” I said. There was a weird looking robot standing in front of me, and it looked ready to attack. I put my hands up in the combat position and got ready to fight. The robot approached me faster than I expected. I was getting ready to use my lighting shock, and the robot was two feet away, and I could feel my hand sparking to life. I pounced on the robot, and it seemed to short out due to my lightning shock.

“Good job, Azri. Now we will test your teleportation skills,” Professor Maxwell said. I readied myself again as the robot moved to life and sprang at me, I made a quick bolt to the right and ended up behind the robot in time to make it float with my telekinesis.

“Well, that was an extraordinary take down there, Azri!” Professor Maxwell yelled.

“Thanks,” I mumbled. Everyone was looking at me in awe as I walked to Axel.

“You did amazing out there, Azri!” He shouted, “You even got a ten out of ten! That's better than me!” I flushed a bit when he said that.

When we walked out of the school it was blowing snow and I didn’t have a scarf.

“Oh, I didn’t know it was going to snow!” Casey said.

“I didn’t either,” I said softly.

“C’mon, Azri, it's going to take a while to get home,” Axel told me. We walked home in the snow and didn’t say a word. When we got home, Axel and I were too cold to speak, and we just sat by the fire under blankets.
Kaira was curled up by the fire with her toy when I got a call.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Azri, sweetheart, how are you? We haven’t heard from you since you left!” the caller said.

“Wait, Mom?” I asked. All I could see was Axel’s floof of red hair popped up from under his blanket,
and he grabbed his hot chocolate.

“Yes, hello!” my mom said.

“I didn’t know you were going to call,” I said enthusiastically.

“Neither did I, but your father is sick and Mayla is at her friend's house, but that's not the reason I called,” she said.

“Then, why did you call?” I asked.

“Because I wanted to talk. How is Axel?” she asked.

“I’m good, Mrs. Jacobs!” Axel yelled from under his blanket that muffled most of the sound.

“Well, okay then, I heard you two have a pet, what’s her name?” Mom asked.

“Her name is Kaira and she is a pomeranian,” I said.

“Aw, that’s cute,” she said. “How’s school?” Mom inquired.

“It’s going well, I guess,” I said, shivering under my blanket.

“You sound cold. Were you outside?” Mom asked,

“Yeah, I was,” I told her. We talked for a while and after Axel fell asleep I crept upstairs to get my notebook. I found the notebook on the sidewalk leading to the academy, to me the notebook seemed a bit odd to find on the sidewalk of an academy but I guess it was normal. I flipped to the middle of the book and started reading.

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