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Dan sadly watched Devon aboard the private jet. Devon looked one last time at Dan, winking before he entered the cabin.

Wennie held Dan's hand in supportive squeeze as the door closed. “How long is this trip?” Dan asked.

“It's just a few days.” Wennie answered, lightly ushering Dan to the limo. The driver kept the door open, enabling them to get in. Closing the door, he hopped in the driver's seat amd started the car.

Devon looked out the window as the limo drove off. He could see Dan was watching the jet as the car moved further and further away.

I'll be back, my pet. It won't be long.

“Would you like some refreshments, your highness?” Devon slowly turned to the air attendant that stood in front of him.

“Some goat blood, please.” Devon said. Pulling out his phone as she walked away, Devon stared at his wallpaper of Dan in one of his animal onesie.

Dan sighed sadly as he watched the plane ascend to the skies, eventually disappearing out of sight. “A few days feels too long.”

Wennie looked up from her phone and briefly saw the limo driver rolling his eyes in the rearview mirror.

Of course seven days would feel like nothing for a vampire! It made Wennie furious. “You know, seven days aren't as long as you think it is. Just take it one day at a time and you'll see it'll pass right by you.” Wennie said.

Dan sunk down into seat. For awhile no one didn't say a word. He couldn't understand it. The first few days of him staying with Devon, he was afraid and somehow it all changed like that.
Devon made him feel good and safe. Now he is thousands of meters in the air and he feels lonely.

“Dan, do you want to hear a story? It's been passed down in my family for generations.” Dan looked at Wennie neutrally.

When he didn't say anything Wennie started to speak. “So long ago, before humans were aware of vampires, a legend circulated among everyone.”

“What's a legend?”

“It's a traditional story sometimes popularly seem as historical fact or guide of what had happened, but it's not factual like history book.” Wennie then frowned. “I would say this is more of a prophecy, but it's a mix of both really.”


“So there was this old man. He was poor and not a very lucky man. He didn't have a family of his own, having been kicked out of his household because his family thought he was crazy and mad.”
Wennie looked at Dan amd saw he was staring at her for answers.

“I think I like stories.”

“I like stories. They're a good distraction.” She shifted a bit, facing Dan with most of her body. “So, this old man was knowm by the townfolk for his insane and weird stories. He told stories of fairies and mermaids, creatures that didn't even exist.”

“But one day, he told a story of a powerful vampire. One so powerful that this vampire will rule over all creatures.” Wennie smiled. “But vampires are real? Yes, vampires are real, but this vampire is said to be half werewolf. A humaniod wolf who can disguise themselves as a wolf or human at will. He called him the Alpha King.”

“You know that story is just myth.”

Wennie turned to the driver, pressed a button that dropped the divider between them. “I don't give a fuck, stupid.”

“Alpha King? But hybrid creatures are impossible. I was taught that vampire's are the walking death. They can only breed with their own.”

“True, but werewolves are seen as creatures of life! Death can't exist without Life and vise versa. There's a perfect balance. So with someone that's half werewolf and half vampire, it would balance out each other's halves.”

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