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He slammed the glass down on the table. "Feel anything?"

Dan looked at Devon. At first he was just breathing until both eye pupils went narrowed. Devon watched Dan standing up slowly, not making a sound.

Devon was fully prepared to pin Dan down and into the bag of blood. "Dan, say something." Devon said, cautiously.

Dan moved around the table, as if he was stalking Devon. Picking up the large bag of blood, Dan focused onto the blood. Devon quickly moved away just in time when Dan had tried to lunge at Devon.

Devon found himself high in a ceiling beam, watching as Dan, bit into the bag. Some of it spilled on to the floor and over his tank top, but drink Dan did.

Devon tried not to move too much. Almost slipping, Dan's attention was taken to Devon and his eyes widen when he saw Dan's eyes. One seemed to have a yellow tint to it.

"It worked..." Devon gasped.

Devon focused his telekinesis on the plastic of the bag, making the blood swish and swash. It worked to distract Dan again. When the bag was empty, Dan growled.
Licking the bit on himself off, he looked down at the floor.

He needs more. It's not enough.

Devon eyed the door to the kitchen. Perhaps he can get more. Maybe bring a living animal. Camouflaging himself, Devon rushed to the kitchen door. He found chefs working to get the food ready.

"I need a pig or a goat."

"Oh, so two glasses per meal isn't enough for you?"

"It's not for me, you idiot! It's for Dan! Hurry the hell up before he starts coming this way."

The chefs scoffed. Until Devon heard growling behind the door. "He's here."He said grimly. "GET AN ANIMAL, QUICK!"

The door broke down, but Devon quickly tried to force Dan back. The chef closest to the backdoor quickly went outside. Two other chefs helped Devon to push back into door.

"How is he this strong!"

"It's his hunger and adrenaline. It's the first time he drank blood."

The chef that originally scoffed at Devon, ran off screaming. It wasn't long after when Dan broke through. The door fell off the henges, landing on the two chefs and vampire prince.

Dan chased after the chef. "Dan, wait!" Dan slowly turned around ad saw Devon with the squealing chefs.

"Meah!" Dan's head snapped to a frozen chef that had brought in a fat, shaved sheep.

Dan immediately lunged through the counters that had knives on the counter and pots and pans hanging from a rack.

The sheep kicked and shoved at Dan to let him go, but when Dan had sunk his teeth into the sheep, the sheep bellowed out in pain as the blood was sucked out of him.

Devon managed to lift the door up, enabling the chefs to get out. Helping Devon to lift it up more, Devon quickly grabbed them both and the fear frozen chef, speeding out of the room.

When he came back he found Dan had started to slowly drink the blood. A satisfied moan escaped his lips when he pulled back.

When he did, he slumped as he breathed heavily. Devon quickly caught him when Dan started to fall.

Picking him up, he stepped over the corpse and headed to the exit.

At the door, he found Warrick, Wennie and Alpha. "It worked. He even sucked a sheep dry." Devon said as bruises on the side of his face started to form.

"What happened?"

"Dan broke through the door while I was pushing against it with two of the chefs."

Warrick looked down at Dan, who was fast asleep in his bloodstained clothes with added hoove shaped bruises.

"I'm going to get him cleaned up. I'll eat later."

"I'll have your food delivered to you then." Devon nodded in appreciation and rushed to their room. Putting Dan down on the bed, making him float above the sheets.

Quickly getting the stained clothes off and getting the blood off of his skin, he quickly redressed Dan and lowered him into the pillows.

He looked at Dan's closed eyes. He wondered if he should open one. He could've sworn one of his eyes had a yellowish color to them.

He opened the left sided eye and sure enough he saw it. A golden yellow ring had started to sureound the pupil of the eye, while the other one had remained exactly the same as it was.

This is the proof. He is the Alpha King.

A soft knock and a door slowly opening, Devon saw Warrick with a plate of food.
"His eye is starting to turn yellow."

Warrick's eyes widen. "For real?" He walked closer. "Just the one, though?"

"Yes." Devon took the plate from Warrick. "If he drinks more blood, it might spread to the rest of the eye."

Sitting down, he started to eat. "If you really want to leave, you can." Devon then said.

"I don't want to. I'm staying, even if Paul is annoying. He reminds me of Quinton, but just more hot headed."

"Do you have a crush on him?" Devon teased.

"What! No! Khumbani is way better looking than Paul." Warrick said.

Devon chuckled. He turned to Dan who was still out cold. "Imagine how great his power will be."

"I don't think I want to." Warrick said. "I heard a lot of versions of the legend. Now that it's reality, it's scary enough."

"Out with it."

"Some say he can control the spirits of the Wild, some say he'll have power over the elements of nature and so on and some said, he'll have every ability known to vampire kind."

"We'll figure it out as we go."

"I'm going to go eat. Goodluck, with that."

"Wow, thanks." Devon started to eat his food as Warrick closed the door behind him.

By the time, Devon was done eating and getting his plate to the kitchen, he returned to see Dan had woken up, not looking very good.

Devon quickly grabbed a garbage can, enabling Dan to throw up in it. He was throwing up the blood he had consumed. "Why do I feel like this?"

"Well, you drank an entire bag of blood and a whole fat sheep's blood as well." Devon said. "Are you okay?"

"I remember lunging at the sheep, but other than that it's fuzzy." Dan said, hurling again into the can. Devon rubbed sircles on Dan's back to sooth him.

"That did happen and your one eye is turning golden already." At that Dan stood up, going to the mirror.

"What the hell!"

"The blood must've triggered it." Devon said.

"No more blood, please." Dan groaned. "Don't even mention...god..." Dan felt sick to the stomach.

“Are you okay?” Devon asked.

“Probably…” Dan sighed, closing his eyes. “It's…a lot.”

“I know, but like I said. I'm here.” Devon said."We'll get through this.” Devon held Dan's hand, locking their fingers together.

Dan looked at the mirror that stood to the side of him. “You look very handsome, I must say.” Devon said, looking at the reflection.

“It looks weird.” Dan touched his face. “I really am a vampire…” Dan looked at Devon when Devon had turned to face him.

“Well, I think the two of us should take a relaxing bath, don't you think?” Devon suggested.

“That'll be nice.” Dan smiled tiredly.

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