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Barely a hour later, news had spread of the intruder and the fight. To say new questions popped up was an understatement.
Devon turned off the TV, looking down at Dan who was about to close his eyes as Devon played with his hair and massaging his scalp.

“What do we do now?” Dan asked.

Devon looked back at Dan. “Well, we can take a nap or continue the puzzle.”

“I'm not in the mood for the puzzle.” Dan sighed.

“Hmm? A bath?” Dan shrugged and sat up straight.

“Come, it'll help us relax.” Dan felt Devon's hand taking his. Pulling Dan up to his feet, he held onto Dan's hand as they went to the bathroom.

“Shower or tub?”

“Tub.” Dan sat down on the edge, his feet inside. Devon opened the taps, making sure the water was just right. Getting some bubble bath ready, he sat down next to Dan.

“That man your mother was looking for, he is the one that forced himself onto my mother?”

“Yes and he's not going to get jail time for what he did. For the amount of crap he pulled, he's getting the death sentence.”

“He's going to get killed?”

“Yes…the way it's done, if the person commited such indescribable crimes like he did, we put him down so that he doesn't hurt anyone else ever again.”

“Like with Loxen?”

“Yes, like with Loxen. We killed them and Cruaka, making sure they won't harm others in the future.”

“But enough about that, let's just relax and get our strength back, okay?” Dan nodded, getting undressed.

Sinking his feet again into the water, he slowly slid down the edge, submerging himself until he was neck underwater. Devon sat with his shoulders peaking out, and Dan couldn't help, but to look.

Dan smiled sheepishly when Devon caught him staring. Devon smirked, crawling closer. “Like what you see?” Dan said nothing, his smile now down to him pinching his lips together to suppress the smile.

Devon squeezed Dan's thighs, making Dan gasp. Closing the gap between them, Devon pushed against Dan.

Dan held onto Devon as he deepened the kiss. Devon sat down on Dan's lap, enticing a moan from both of them.

Get your mind out of the gutter. They had a wrestling match, nothing special!

Devon and Dan smiled, getting dressed. The pair felt much better now that they were clean and went to the bedroom. Dan crawled onto the bed and just plopped down. Devon followed his example.

“A nap?”

“Maybe a small one?” Dan pinched his fingers together.
Devon got on the bed, next to Dan, and held him close.

The pair found themselves dead asleep, neither of them moving.

When Devon jerked awake, he looked at the time and saw it's four in the morning. He looked at Dan to see he was sprawled over his pillow, his hand resting on Devon's chest. He gently took it and moved to lay down on his side.

Dan pulled his arm inward to him, turning his head. Devon expected to see Dan looking at him, but he was out. He wasn't going to wake up any time soon.
For a long while Devon stared at Dan's peaceful form. He let out a yawn, making himself comfortable again. He forced himself to close his own eyes to continue sleeping.

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