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Dan wrapped his arms around Devon's neck, deepening the kiss. Devon pushed the door open with his back, entering the bedroom.

Putting Dan down on the bed, Devon used his telekinesis to close the door, locking it.

Resting on his elbows, Devon took off Dan's jacket while sucking at the neck area.

Dan dropped down into the bed, undoing the buttons of Devon's shirt. Devon arched his back, feeling Dan's slightly cold hands on his skin.
Devon took of Dan's shirt, kissing the torso.

Devon's hands slowly reached the band of Dan's pants, pulling it off. Dan sat up straight, pushing Devon backwards.

Confused, he watched Dan remove his belt. Devon's fingers tangled through Dan's hair, leaned on closer, kissing him. “Devon…” 

Dan his face in the crook of Devon's shoulder. Devon moaned in response.  “Can we switch?” Dan whispered.

“What do you mean?” Dan looked Devon in the eye, getting on his knees.

“Last time you were on me.” Devon thought back to when they were still at the farm house. He understood what Dan meant.

He got on the bed, Dan crawling over him. Dan shyly removed Devon's trousers as Devon kicked off his shoes.

Dan sat down on Devon's lap, kissing his stomach. Devon breathed heavily as Dan slowly started to go more and more down.

With his legs now wrapped around Dan, Dan started to give Devon's shaft  some attention.
Devon made Dan stop for a second. “If you want to continue. I'd need to do something first.”

Devon placed his fingers in Dan's mouth. Dan for a moment stared at Devon, but then he started to suck onto the two fingers.

His eyes widened when he saw Dan's eyes going slit. “Dan?” Devon pulled his fingers back and then saw Dan's fangs showing themselves.
“Are you okay?”

“Yes…I just…want a little blood…” Devon felt like he should be concerned or even scared.
He wasn't scared. Devon's own fangs extended and bit himself on his wrist.

Dan stared at the crimson liquid. “Do you want my blood? I doubt it'll taste good.” Dan's attention stayed on the wrist.
Taking Devon's wrist, he rested his body between Devon's exposed legs and sucked on the open wound.

Devon moaned from the sensation. He surely didn't expect this. Dan was gentle while drinking Devon's blood. While he drank the blood, Dan felt Devon's body going stiff from pleasure underneath him.

He then felt Devon's hand sliding down his back, slowly he felt a finger slip between his cheeks. “Dan…” Devon gasped.
He felt Devon leaning in closer to him. “This is going to hurt a little…”

Dan felt the finger tip teasing his entrance. Not long after he felt a sharp pain as Devon's finger slipped in, slowly inching inside.

“Devon…” Dan gasped.

“Try to relax. I'm just preparing you for my size.” Devon whispered into Dan's ear. Dan felt Devon's lips on his.

Focusing on the kiss helped him relax his muscles, enabling Devon to slip in the next finger. When both fingers were inside, Dan moaned when Devon had found his spot.

“Just one more.” Devon stopped the kiss for a second, slipping the third one in after he had scissored Dan's entrance open.

Dan dug his fingers into Devon. He could not explain it. It was painful, but he didn't mind. He wanted more and less of the pain at the same time.

He moaned when Devon started to play around. Devon used this, to move Dan's body to sit more on his stomach. “Why did you drink my blood?” Devon asked.

“I don't know…I just wanted to taste it.” Devon closed his eyes.

“Do you want more?” Dan looked at Devon, but before he could say he didn't want more, Devon had his wrist already near his mouth.

Dan dug into the blood, slowly sucking a little bit out. Dan groaned when Devon had removed his fingers and started to push himself into Dan.

Dan groaned, feeling a size difference. Devon went limp, scratching Dan's back. “Oh, Dan…it feels good…” Devon groaned as his body went stiff again.

The action enticed a small thrust that made Dan stop and pulled away. He gripped Devon's shoulders tightly. Breathing heavily, he held onto Dan's hips and started to move himself in and out of Dan.

“Devon…ahnahh!” Devon squeezed Dan's skin, keeping a steady pace. Dan groaned and moaned Devon's name.

Devon suddenly flipped them, towering over Dan.
Dan's thighs rested on Devon's shoulders as Devon slammed himself harder and faster into Dan's entrance.

Dan's moans grew louder, making Devon lean in to kiss Dan. His pace breaking slightly, Dan's moans were silenced in Devon's mouth.

“I'm going to…” Devon moved faster, spilling warm seed into Dan, leaving him out of breath. Devon stayed inside of Dan for a second, before he pulled out.

Dan, slightly out of breath, stared at Devon with lust. Devon crawled over Dan's legs, letting them rest on the bed.

He pushed Dan's throbbing shaft into his own entrance, holding his own again.

Starting up again, he kissed Dan's exposed neck. “Take my blood…”

Devon's memory reminded him that Dan's blood was bitter, then again…Dan had since had a better diet and he never found anything that suggested that his blood was potent.

“Are you sure?”


Devon held Dan's wrist, hesitating at first.
Dan groaned when he felt the sharp fangs sink into his skin. He expected pain, only to be met with a gentle suction and ecstasy. His body went stiff, his legs trying to wrap themselves around Devon.

“So sweet…” Devon moaned and started to ride Dan. Devon brought his own wrist to Dan's mouth again. He groaned, sucking harder for a second when he felt Dan continuing where he had left off.

Not long after he felt Dan's seed in him, but he didn't get off.
No, they were having too much fun. Devon started to ride Dan again, not stopping in the slightest.

“Dan…oh god…” Devon didn't want to end this. He loved everything of this. The taste. The feeling. The emotion.

His body stiffened when Dan came again. Both pulled away from each other's wrists, breathing heavily.
“We're one…” Devon gasped.

As he got off of Dan, he rested onto Dan's body kissing him passionately. Dan wrapped his arms around Devon, holding on to him. “Dan…”

Devon rested his head on Dan's chest, the rapidly beating heart slowly calming down.
Dan smiled, not letting go of Devon. “That…was something different…”

“I liked it…”Dan smiled as Devon slipped down Dan's side, resting in each other's embrace.

“We should get some rest.” Devon didn't have any energy left in him, neither did Dan.



“I had fun.” Dan chuckled. “Lots of fun.” He added.

Devon smiled and got in one last kiss in before covering themselves with the duvet.

“I, too, had fun. I'm glad I'm sharing it with you.” Dan hid his face in Devon's chest, closing his eyes. “Good night, my little wolf.”

“Good night…” Devon smirked feeling the heat in Dan's cheeks.
Turning off the light, he held onto Dan, dozing off.

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