In the woods

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(Lucas's POV)

I've been living with my uncle in Louisiana for as long as I can remember. I don't remember if I had a Mom or Dad, just him. He was never really nice to me that much. The only times I've been around him was when he had to feed me. Any other time, he's always angry with me, yelling at me, and telling me to shut up.

Because of that, I've always been scared of him. Because I always thought I did something wrong to make him mad at me. Until one night when I was five, it was December and it was freezing and snowing outside. My Uncle got really upset after he found out that I had accidentally broken a plate while cleaning and he was trying to get into my room to beat me.

Uncle Mitch: (angrily) Come out of there you little bastard! Can't you do the simplest thing right?!

I locked the door and went over to the window, this was the first time he ever actually tried to hurt me, so I tried to make a run for it. I opened the window, and thank god he could only afford a one-story house. I slipped out the window, and rand towards a massive patch of woods outside.

I was about a half a mile into the woods when I realized... It was freezing and now, so was I because I didn't have time to put anything on except my pajamas. I fell to my knees and started to cry a little until I heard rustling in some nearby bushes.

Lucas: Hello? Is someone there?

I moved a little closer and pushed one of the branches aside to see... a coat? It was a hot pink over coat, and it was pretty big, even for a normal person.

Lucas: Uh... hey whoever's out here, you um, you dropped your coat.

No answer.

Lucas: Well that was stupid, no one's here. Why tell no one something, now you're talking to yourself, which is weird, and you're still doing it.

I turned my attention back to the woods

Lucas: Well with that said, I think I'm gonna go, bye mysterious person, and I guess I'll leave your coat here, if you are out here then I wouldn't want you to catch a cold.

(???'s POV)

I watched the little boy leave, and quickly went over to retrieve my coat without him noticing. I know plenty of humans who wouldn't have left it there, but he actually kept it there because he didn't want me to get cold which honestly was a possibility it was rather cold out, but then why didn't he have a coat?

Against my better judgement I decided do trail behind him before gently dropping my coat and hiding. I saw him turn around, I hoped he would take it, I didn't want the little thing to freeze.

Lucas: Um... is this a prank?

I watched as he got a little closer to the coat.

Lucas: Do, do you want me to take it?

He looked around, and if I weren't so worried about being caught then I would have just put it on him myself, but I couldn't let him see me, so I just sat there.

Lucas: Well, it's a very nice coat, whoever you are, thanks... I guess, but I hope you realize it is pretty cold out, you should keep it.

I saw him put the coat down and walk away. He was so sweet, he wasn't worried about being cold, he was worried about me, sure he didn't know it was me, but still.

Lucas: Excuse me, I don't know you, but I'm a little lost, could you help me? I live just up near the clearing.

(Lucas's POV)

He might've been angry, but he was still the only family I had, so I had to go back to my uncle.

(???'s POV)

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