Part 5

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She had told him it was worth the risk. She had told him that he should risk his life by going into Mount Weather. She had told him she was being weak when she said she couldn't lose him like she lost Finn. She basically told him she didn't care about him.

At least, that's what it seemed like to Clarke. She held down the regret in her throat like the alcohol she just chugged to keep the alliance strong. Clarke kept her distance from Bellamy on the way back to camp despite his many attempts to get her attention.

She didn't like shutting him out, but sometimes she had to do things she didn't like for the better of everyone else.

Clarke heard a voice calling her name, but she couldn't shut it out like Bellamy's because it wasn't Bellamy's voice. Raven walked up next to her, and Clarke could feel the people around her tense and start to walk slower to give the girls some space as they reentered Camp Jaha.

Clarke broke the two days of awkwardness between them. "I'm surprised they didn't take you out on a stretcher."

Raven snorted. "Surprised? Clarke, I'm missing some skin off my arms and neck. Nothing compared to what Gustus went through; what Finn would've gone through," she added quietly.

They stopped outside the medical tent. Clarke put a hand on Raven's shoulder. "We'll talk after my mom fixes you up, okay? I'll be in my tent."

Raven just nodded, and Clarke was thankful she was finally getting somewhere with her. Walking back to her tent, the true regret of what she told Bellamy finally hit Clarke. She expected him to be planning with Lincoln about how to get into Mount Weather. She did not, however, expect him to be waiting for her in her tent.

He stood up when she walked in. "What the hell was that back there?" He asked angrily.

Clarke took her jacket off. "It worked, didn't it?" She snapped back.

"Yeah, and what if it didn't? I don't think I've ever met anyone with a bigger death wish than you."

All the regret Clarke just had quickly vanished. Bellamy was being difficult just for the sake of being difficult. He was being his old, stubborn self, and Clarke wasn't going to deal with it now. They needed to be on the same page, and Clarke quickly came up with the decision of not backing down for the sake of her people.

"Don't give me that 'what if' bullshit, Bellamy. You should be strategizing with Lincoln not ripping on me for saving Raven and this alliance."

"You really want to take that risk?" He challenged.

Clarke threw her hands up. "I already told you I did, Bellamy!"

Bellamy ran a hand through his hair. "Right. You were 'being weak' before," he said, quoting Clarke.

"Yes, I was. You're the one who suggested this in the first place, Bellamy, don't forget that. You're a coward if you back out now."

They were standing face to face now. Clarke's arms were crossed, her cheeks red with anger. Bellamy was frowning with furrowed eyebrows.

"Listen here, princess," Bellamy started, words laced with poison.

That crossed the line for Clarke. Red instantly flashed in her eyes, taking her back to Finn's death. She poked her finger into Bellamy's chest. "Don't ever call me that." Clarke spoke low and serious.

Bellamy was taken completely by surprise, but before he could question Clarke, Raven poked her head through the tent. "Hey Clarke – Oh, sorry, should I come back?" She questioned awkwardly when she saw the glares she was getting.

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