Part 6

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Sorry this is getting up so late! I actually totally forgot I'd written this part! As always, let me know what you think, and thank you so much for reading :)

He should've contacted them by now. He should be home by now. Half the camp was taking bets on when he'd call, and half the camp was taking bets on when the Mountain Men would return his body on a flaming stake.

Clarke didn't take part in either. She knew he was late, and she wanted to think that he'd contact them just like the plan mapped out, but she had to face the fact that there was a chance he didn't make it. All she was sure of was that something must've gone wrong. Every day Bellamy didn't call instilled more and more fear and regret into her, and she hated not knowing what happened.

Clarke couldn't keep her mind off of him, and it wasn't hard for Lexa to tell. Both of them were discussing plans at the Grounder's camp. Well, they were supposed to be discussing plans. It was more of a one-sided conversation.

"Listen, Clarke," Lexa said, getting fed up with Clarke's unusual quietness. "I know you trust Bellamy, and I know you trust that he's made it in, but we need to be prepared in case he hasn't."

"I know, I know, sorry. I'm just worried about him, more than I thought I would be."

Clarke knew Lexa wasn't interested in hearing about her and Bellamy's relationship, so she left it at that.

"Excuse me, Commander," Nyko said, stepping into the tent. "There's someone here to see Clarke."

He was clearly trying to shield the person from the outside, not wanting them to get a glimpse at what Lexa and Clarke were working on. That person, however, was either stronger or just stronger-willed and pushed through.

"Mom?" Clarke questioned.

"It's Bellamy," Abby said, out of breath. "You have to come back to camp." Without a second glance back, Clarke quickly followed her mom out of the tent. "Here, you take the horse."

"Wait, Mom, is he..." Clarke trailed off.

Abby smiled. "He's talking to Raven on the radio," she assured her daughter.

Clarke breathed out a two weeks' worth sigh of relief. She hugged Abby before hopping on the horse, a huge smile on her face. He made it.


The ride back to Camp Jaha was the longest of Clarke's life. She jumped off the horse after getting through the front gates and ran to mechanics where Raven was with the radio.

When she heard Bellamy's voice coming from the radio after entering, Clarke nearly cried. He was alive, and even though she never said it before, that was truly the only thing that mattered to her. She may have told Bellamy otherwise, but the way Clarke felt the last few weeks completely contradicted that.

After Raven saw Clarke enter the door, she smirked. "Hey, Bellamy, hold that thought," she said looking at Clarke. "I've got a better one for you."

"Reyes, what are you talking about?" Bellamy questioned.

Raven had already handed the receiver to Clarke, though. She gave Clarke a squeeze on the shoulder and left the room. Raven had seen how Clarke had been the last few weeks without Bellamy, and she was almost as happy as Clarke that Bellamy made it to Mount Weather alive.

"You scared the hell out of me, Bellamy Blake," Clarke spoke into the receiver.

She could almost hear Bellamy choke on his own saliva. "Clarke?"

Clarke smiled. "It's good to finally hear your voice again."

"You have no idea," Bellamy responded.

"What took you so long to get there? Are you okay?"

Bellamy hesitated. "I'm fine now, thanks to Jasper's friend Maya, but it was Lincoln, Clarke. He took one look at the drugs, and he couldn't resist them. I have no idea where or what he is now."

Clarke sat down on a bench, resting her elbow on the table, fingers massaging her forehead. "Dammit. What am I supposed to tell Octavia?"

"Nothing," Bellamy quickly responded. "There's no reason for her to know now. She'll only run off to find him. That's beside the point right now, though. Things are moving way too quickly in here. They're bleeding more and more people. Something has changed, but I need more time to disable the acid fog."

Clarke already started to think of how to buy him more time. "Alright, I'll come up with something. Raven will help you navigate and turn off the acid fog as long as you can stay unnoticed by the guards."

"I'll do my best," Bellamy promised. "Clarke, as much as I love talking to you and as much as I wish I could keep doing it, I can't. I have to get moving if I'm going to get a chance to get downstairs while the guards are changing shifts."

"Of course, just one more thing."


Clarke had set Bellamy free, and he came back to her because he loved her. Bellamy had let Clarke go when he left for Mount Weather, and it was about damn time that Clarke came back to him.

"I'm sorry, I love you, be safe, and I'll see you soon."

Bellamy let out a chuckle. "I think that was four things but ditto to all of them." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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