My Sucker Life

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My name is Rouge Annabelle DeLorso and I am a sixteen year old girl.My life is nothing to write home about since my dad died of cancer.Well he was not only my dad but my bestfriend .We always had fun at his bakery in Grand Rapids,Michigan.Though he wasn't filthy rich I loved him so much because I believe we had the "Oedipus Complex". He suddenly died and I changed....Totally. I was no more the bubbly girl who was always seen with a smile . I became dark ,I abandoned my social life as well as my friends and most of all I still mourn my father in black clothes.Now everybody sees me as the girl always claded in black.I even dye my blond hair to black .After my dad's death I lived with my neighbors for two weeks and eventually my extra rich mother who cares about her high and prestigious job more than family came for me.She sent a chauffeur for me one afternoon it saddened me so much that I was leaving my dad's house where all my childhood memories lay ."Hello Annabelle ,"mom greeted me in front of the lawn as I got down from the sleek limousine ."hello," I replied with a fake smile.The chauffeur was then unloading my luggage from the car.Why !!!Why do I have to live in this humongous house with this annoying woman."Juanitta!!,"she yelled and thereafter a maid came running towards me."This is my daughter Rouge show her the room I made you prepare this morning,"she commanded with her straight face."Patrick follow Juanitta to her room to drop her luggage,"she added and dismissed herself.My room was intimidating REALLY!! intimidating.It was painted the color I hate !Pink!
"How am I going to live in this mansion with about ten maids at your beck and call it's too much," I whispered to myself.

Yesterday I locked myself up in the room but today I have to go shopping for some more boots and black nail polish and maybe some hair dye too.I waited for mom to leave for work and I quickly got dressed for the mall."can you take me to the mall at the end of the road?"I asked Patrick my chauffeur ."Yes o'course ma'm," he answered . I grabbed a couple of boots from the boot section and a bag of black nail polish.I couldn't find hair dye so I had to go to the beauty parlor .I bought five strips of midnight black hair dye ."Could I get my ears pierced," I asked a lady who had a thousand and one piercings on her face ."Yh,location?" she asked rather friendly." left ear will do," I answered with a smile.After ten minutes of unending pain my ear was finally pierced and I got new earrings for it.
When I got home I slipped out my nail polish and begun to paint my nails when someone knocked on the door."It's open,"I yelled.In came mom with her wild look."Where have you been Annabelle?,"she questioned ."The mall just went shopping ,"I answered still paying no attention to her ."Do you freaking dye your hair black Annabelle!" She exclaimed.Why on earth does she call me that ,I hate that name.I just ignored her until she came yanking my hair and yelling on top of her voice about my lack of decency."Get your hands off me ,you stand in front of my face and have the guts to call me your daughter when you abandoned me all these years,you are here preaching about decency when you are an irresponsible adult you may call it patriotism working for your nation but I call it running away from your duties,"I yelled leaving her in total awe of my words.She quickly walked out of my room and banging the door in the process.The next morning I woke up and I decided to go for a jog around the neighborhood .I quickly changed into my tracksuit and my grey NikeRunoffs.As I descended the stairs I heard my mom talking to some one on the phone about taking me to rehab school to help me with my "unruly" behavior .I descended the stairs pretending not to have heard her conversation ."Where you off to,"she asked before a maid came in with a cup of tea."Um..a jog around," I answered and continued walking when her voice stopped me."I am sending you to Rehab school next week,"she echoed .I turned to her and gave her my anything -to-get-out-of-this-damn-house look.

My wish has been granted!!!And I am skedaddling from this cage of a house.Anything to be 1000km from this place.But to think about it "REHABILITATION SCHOOL".Does she really think I have problems ?She should check herself first cuz I think she needs it more than I do .After an hour of jogging around the serene neighborhood ,I walked back home to start packing my stuff for next week.I got a quick shower and stared at the tattoo of a dying angel at my back.She depicted everything I was ---a dead angel.I got dressed an began packing my bags

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