Chapter Sixteen - Adjusting

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In the following days and weeks, the Mid-Wilshire division worked tirelessly to try to uncover any more leads, trying to figure out who had caused so much chaos and destruction, and more so why they had not caused any more yet

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In the following days and weeks, the Mid-Wilshire division worked tirelessly to try to uncover any more leads, trying to figure out who had caused so much chaos and destruction, and more so why they had not caused any more yet. The ordinary everyday was unnerving when you're being watched. But they all continued onwards, it's all they could do.

Morgan twiddled with her wedding band as her mind rushed with all of the possibilities that could happen next. It was as if she was underwater and this unknown threat was pushing her downwards. She couldn't get any oxygen into her lungs. She could take it when it was only her being targeted, but it was no longer just her in this game, and now she isn't sure if it was ever just her.

Tim watched her from the doorway as her thoughts consumed more of her. Silently he moved to sit by her side, pulling her weight onto him so she rested on his chest. "Hey, baby."

"Hey," she mumbled, leaning more into his touch.

"You know there is no point worrying now. We're going to figure this out. We're going to get through this."

Morgan looked up at Tim, watching as he moved his head downwards to meet her glance. Slowly, he continued to move downwards to capture her lips in a soft kiss.

"I know."

"We have to get ready now, it's a big day." Tim stood up, pulling Morgan along with him to the wardrobe. She had picked her outfit out the night before, nervous for the upcoming day. Despite being back at work for a few weeks now, today was the first time she would be allowed to operate out of the station without assistance from patrol. She had been alone for so long that she didn't know how she was going to get through it without the company.

Morgan nodded, moving to the mirror to sort out her hair. It had become unkempt in the night, but it was nothing a brush and a bandana couldn't fix. As she reached for her products, she didn't notice Tim approach her again. This time he leant towards her neck, leaving small, gentle kisses right in the curve.

"It'll be okay," he said, voice muffled by the kisses. "I promise."


The day was slow, as many others had been. Morgan shifted through her paperwork, finishing off the documents she had to have ready for court next week. She had agreed to go in place for another Detective who had retired before the trial had started; she wished she hadn't now.

"You know," Angela said, walking over to Morgan's desk, two coffee's in hand and a file tucked under her arm. "I could always ask Wesley to give you a head with prep."

Morgan smiled, reaching for the coffee Angela held out. "Really? That wouldn't be too much to ask? I know I've only met him a few times; I don't want to put him out."

"He actually offered when I told him how swamped you were with it," Angela perched down on top of Morgan's desk, placing the file. "And by the look on your face you haven't made any progress."

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