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You melted into his kisses, moaning into his mouth, and chased after his lips as he pulled away. You both melded together, unable to distinguish your breaths from one another as his hands snaked around your waist, bringing you in. He needed you to be closer, impossibly close, so he could envelop you into him — and he knew you wouldn't mind one bit.

He pulled his cock out from where it had been strained inside his pants, stroking it against your aching clit. You quaked, whispering pleads into his ear as he rubbed himself back and forth against you. He quieted your cries with a hushed whisper, fiddling with your lower lip between his teeth.

"Be a good girl for me, hmm."

He circled the outside of her entrance with the tip of his cock, teasing you as he relished in your whines, each one giving him a sense of purpose and supremacy over your body and mind. You wanted him, needed him.

And he wouldn't make you wait much longer.

His cock slipped past your folds with ease, a muffled cry escaping your lips as he inched his way inside. With a hum, he seated himself inside, pausing to enjoy how your walls clenched around him. Your nails scraped against his back, creating crescents in your wake as you hid your face in the crook of his neck.

He could just eat you up. You were so cute.

He slowly pulled out, listening to your whines, before slamming his cock inside. His hips sputtered as he watched your eyes roll, panting with each shallow thrust as he reached deeper and deeper.

"F-Fuck - feels good," you moaned, throwing your legs around his waist to pull him closer. You adored the feeling of being full, encased in all that was him, as he covered your neck with hickies and caressed your skin with his cool hands. He sped up, sensing your approaching release, and you cried as your lower body twitched due to the released tension of an orgasm. Your body relaxed as you slumped into the sheets, only to yelp as he picked up the pace again.

"I'll fill you up good, любимая моя. So just lie there and take it like the good girl you are."



любимая моя = my darling

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