cute moments 😘

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With shubish :

Ishan open their room door and enter in room but didn't find shubman in room.. So he checked balcony and Bathroom but he was not also their..

Ishan thinking " Haa.. Ab ye kaha gaya..

Ishan call shubman but find his phone on bed..

Ishan thinking "Why he didn't bring his phone with him.. This boy really like to make me worried about him.... but right now I know where he is.. "

With that ishan went to terrace and saw shubman.. He was admiring the togetherness of the moon and the star. He still didn't notice my presence .. Like he was so in deep thoughts and making his own dreamland. He was looking so beautiful on this night sky light..he was standing with his hands in pocket and I just admire him for some time and approached him from behind. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked, putting my arms on the edge.

He turned surprisingly toward me. I faced him and looked into his eyes. He frowned and gave me a doubtful look. "Yeah."

At the same time we looked again toward the moon. I was speechless in front of such a view. The only sound was of the waves crashing against each other. The awesome feeling was not just because of this charm but also I had my love near me, my love beside me. Whenever me and shubman feel upset or something is running our mind.. We always admire moon that give us calmness and make our mind and heart warm with beautiful peace that we can't describe in words.. But this trick only work when we both are together admiring this moon.. I love this moment so much.. When we both are away from each other we always talk in call in under moon.. That's make us feel like we are sitting beside each other and talking..

"How do you know I am here.." Shubman ask still looking at sky

Ishan also answer him looking at sky " Shubi.. You told mayank that we know each other more then ourselves.. So don't you think it's obvious.."

Shubman and ishan just look at each other at the same time.. They both hold their eye contact.. They didn't say anything.. But both of them eyes are saying so many emotions that they can't describe in words..

We both are in silence but this silence is give us a greater sense of peace.

Shubman thoughts

I didn't know why I was so much angry when mayank say he don't mind dating ishu.. And ishu also didn't say anything just smile.. I was feelings like My whole world was just Shattering.. I was angry.. I know I say don't talk to me.. But I am the one who can't stay away from him.. I just can't imagine my life's a single second without talking to him.. I went to room but I didn't feel good.. So I come to terrace .. Ishu is the one who told me that whenever you don't feel good just admire moon that gives you clam and peace.. It's always our things.. We always come to see moon sky.. Whenever we are sad, happy or fight.. Or when we are away from each other we watch a moon that's feel like we are looking at other.. That's make us feel good and less emptiness. ... Ishan kishan this is the name who come to my life and make my life beautifu.. He make me feel full.. I never did something different whatever I did with him until I meet him..I knew that I would be doing things alone. And loneliness is what I don't like. It's not that I fear it. I have gone all alone in my life this far but I just don't enjoy doing things by myself. And especially in moments like that I feel weak and had that urge to be someone.I am a person who have a less friends. I was always with my family and friends.. Still I always feel feel something is missing.. But when I meet ishan from that moment I never feel loneliness.. If he is not with me.. I have our beautiful moments that make me feel full...Today I am overwhelmed with emotions.. But only having ishan beside me make me clam and happy.. If we didn't say anything.. Still I can spend my whole life with this beautiful silence with ishan..

Claiming what's mine 😳 ( shubman gill ×ishan kishan)Where stories live. Discover now