Happy ending.. 🤗

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Heyy.. I didn't remember who.. But someone wants to Rishabh love story so here it is.. I don't know how's it but I hope you like it..

Shree : Okk... So I am Dating someone..

Virat : And...??

Shree : You all know him very well..

Rahul : How about you just tell us his or her name without this Pluzzel game..

Shree : okk... Rishu

Ict team was shocked except siraj, shubman and ishan..

Rishabh : Yaa.. We were Dating but why you 3 are not shocked..??

Shubman : Because we already know... But not conform..

Ishan : But now we are conform..

Siraj : I told you both of you.. They are fu.....

Shami : Bae.. We are not alone..

Jaddu : How you 3 know..??

Siraj : Because we noticed all details on their  behavior..

Shubman : Yaa.. In fact they are thr first couple in our team without our knowledge...

Sky : Ict team have do many secrets..

Rishabh : But how.. We never behave like couple in front of all of you..

Siraj : Yaa.. But shubu and ishu are night owl's remember..

Shubman : Not only us siraj Bhaiya..

Siraj : okk... But sometimes only

Rohit : You 3 are getting punishment for breaking rules.. After we get back for matches..

Ishan : But what proof you have Ro Bhaiya..??

Rohit : You 3 just confess ..

Shubman : When..?? Ishu you heard anything..??

Ishan : No

Siraj : Yaa.. And we didn't specify Date, place and time..

Rohit : from now on I am going to take eyes on 3 of you..

Siraj : Then you have to take a eyes on everyone captain..

Shubman : Yaa.. Everyone broke rules.. And gusse what.. I have proof..

Virat : What the heck.. We were discussing Shree and rishu matter..

Jaddu : Haa.. Aur vese bhi Raat gai baat gai..

Rohit : I am just Done with all of you..

Siraj : We are also Done but we just can't say

Shami : you just did bae..

Siraj : But I didn't say any name..

Jinx : It's not obvious..??

Siraj : No.. Now come to the main discussion.. We 3 know because we saw them fuc..i mean kissing..

Rishabh : How.. We never fu... Mean kiss outside..

Shree : Yaa.. We are not shubu and ishu... Who is lost in love.. And not care about other eyes..

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