prank on members

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Shubman woke up and saw ishan sleeping soundly in his embrace amd just smile and say "Good morning ishu" In low voice and without waking him he went to take a shower and after coming he went to ishan who is still sleeping..

Shubman : Ishu.. Get up..

Ishan : 5 min more mumma

Shubman : Mumma..Me..?? *pointing his own finger himself with confusion*

Shubman : Heyy.. You pig.. Get up.. I am not your mumma

Ishan : let me sleep katyayani

Shubman : Now who is katyayani..?? *confused asf*

Ishan : ffhfedhhsdhsecggrfbb

Shubman : Heyy alien ..i only know human language..

Shubman just go to closet and bring a small speaker and play a song on full volume and put near ishan ear..

"Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun da da da... "

"Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun da da da.. "

Ishan listing this suddenly wake up

Ishan : Bhukamp.. Bhukamp.. Aaya..Ab kya karu.. Bhukamp shubi..

Shubman just laughing lying on floor watching ishan..

Ishan watching shubman understand what happened and just grade a pillow and throw on shubman saying with cute anger " Idiot..Gadha..i will kill you.. "

Shubman while laughing catch a pillow and say " I am a good fielder ishu..??"

Ishan : I hate that.. But you are

They both look at each other and laugh..

Shubman : Now get up.. Or we are going to late for breakfast ..

Ishan get up from bed and heeding towards Bathroom but stop in door and shubman watch him in confusion

Shubman : What happened ishu.. You forget something..??

Ishan :yes..

Shubman : what..??

Ishan : Good morning shubi.. *give flying kiss*

Ishan just close the door before shubman say anything and here shubman just become flustered his cheeks become red.. Shubman just think " This boy really know how to make me flustered"

Shubman and ishan getting ready went to breakfast..Their whole team was again waiting for them..

Rohit : Aaj kya bahana hai.. (what excuse today)

Shubman : Ishu was busy dreaming about katyayani.. *eating*

Rishu : ishu you have a girlfriend you didn't told me..

Ishan : I also don't know that I have a girlfriend.. *eating*

Virat : Then who is katyayani..??

Ishan : Ask shubi..How would I know.. He is the one who told you..

Shami : who is katyayani shubu..??

Shubman : How would I know.. Ask ishu.. He is the the who is dreaming about her..??

Rahul : How do you know about his dream..??

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