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Shubman and Ishan reach to their room without saying anything to each other..

Ishan was sitting on bed silently and shubman was Leaning Against the wall near Door his hands on his pockets and scanning ishan every little details..

Shubman : why are you not saying anything ishu..??

Shubman approach ishan and knee down in front of him and hold his both hands.. Ishan still not looking at shubman..

Shubman : Why are you so calm? Don't be that, scary..

Ishan still didn't say anything

Shubman : Don't you know silence is always the scariest thing?...

Shubman wait for ishan reaction but he didn't get any more ishan look at this eyes..

Shubman was very nervous and sacred because of ishan behavior.. He sacred that he did something wrong.. He have to control himself for doing anything stupid.. Why.. He did this...

Shubman gently grab ishan chin and made him look in his eyes...

Shubman : Alright, alright, you scared me ishu baby... Now please say something.. Don't sacred me like that.. Your silence going to kill me.. Please

Ishan was just looking at shubman without blinking ..

Shubman caressing  ishan cheek and holding his one hand..

Shubman : Baby.. Please tell me what are you thinking..??

Ishan : *pouting* You say not to speak.. How can i say something..

Shubman : *confused* when I say that.. Why I don't remember..

Ishan : You say in car.. Remember

Shubman now remember his words.. And just smile..

Shubman : If you remember that.. Then you don't remember I say until we reach our room... Now you can speak..

Ishan : *relief expression* Thank god..

Ishan just hitting shubham with his small hands but shubham was feeling like some soft things was touching was not with force

Shubham just act like it's hurting..

Shubham : Ishu... It's hurting..

Ishan : Dummy... That's why I am hitting you..

Shubham just hold his both hands..

Shubham : But why are you hitting me... First tell me.. Then hit me until you satisfied..

Ishan : How can you say me to don't speak anything.. You know how much difficult it was for me.. You don't know how I stop myself from taking..i didn't talk like for 30 mine and 26 sec .. And you also didn't let me know I can't sit a single second without doing anything... How can you do this to me.. Shubi you are really bad.. You always...

Shubman just cut him off crashing his lips with ishan holding his neck and grabbing his waist made ishan body stick with him..

Ishan was thinking.. Today this boy really going to give me my very first mini heart attack..

Shubman just broke kiss and look at ishan..

Shubman : Can't you just kiss me back.. Why I have to ask you..

Claiming what's mine 😳 ( shubman gill ×ishan kishan)Where stories live. Discover now