Fs and As

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Alyssa Morrow was a high school senior along with her twin sister Erin. Even though the two girls were twins, they weren't identical. Sure they had the same deep brown hair color and brown eyes, but Erin was smaller than Alyssa. Erin was around 5'0", and Alyssa was closer to 5'2". Erin was also a bit slimmer than Alyssa and was more personable. Being more personable often led her to hanging out with a different crowd than Alyssa. 

This crowd is the root of the problem that starts this story. Erin and her friends, were referred to often as the popular, or cool kids. They had parties, skipped class, and many of the boys were jocks. The girls, well... they were sluts. 

Alyssa knew of two boyfriends Erin had had in their senior year alone, and it had just barely reached the end of first semester and the start of Christmas break. 

Erin's chasing of boys, and going to massive parties, had caused her to fall behind in school. On her report card that was sent home at the end of the semester, Erin had 2 D's, a C, and a B. The B, was in Math 4. 

Alyssa, although looking near identical to Erin, was not as personable, she had 3, maybe 4 good friends, she'd never had a boyfriend, and to be honest she never really wanted one. Alyssa really had no interest in boys, if she wasn't Asexual, she was definitely a lesbian. Alyssa was in far more rigorous classes than Erin, while Erin struggled in Math 4, Alyssa thrived in BC Calculus. 

It hadn't always been this way, Erin and Alyssa both took Math 1 and English 1 in middle school to get ahead. It wasn't until high school when Erin met her new friends and became the lazy, popular girl she was. 

To put it lightly, Erin and Alyssa's mom was not happy to see Erin's report card, and was even more enraged when she compared it to Alyssa's. "Erin!" she cried when she saw it. 

"Yeah mom?" Erin said as she made her way to the front door, probably to leave to go to some party. 

"What are these grades!?" her mother cried.

"Don't you have powerschool?" Erin asked, "You can see my grades there, you shouldn't be surprised mom!" 

"Now you know I don't like using technology, Erin!" her mom said. It was true, Alyssa's mom hated using her phone for anything but looking up recipes. Their dad was more of the tech guy in the family, and he didn't have powerschool. 

"I'll try harder next semester mom!" Erin said as she tried to leave once more.

"No you don't!" her mom cried, "You're not leaving this house for a hang-out, party, orgy, or whatever the hell you're going to, until your grades are as good as Alyssa's!" 

Erin gave a sneer at Alyssa, who sat at the kitchen table watching the whole thing go down. "Fine!" Erin yelled, as she stomped up the stairs to her room. 

"I'm going to check on you every 10 minutes missy!" her mom cried up the stairs, "You better be in there!" She sighed and then walked back over to the kitchen table and sat down across from Alyssa. Alyssa remained silent. "She acts like she's 3 years old!" her mom said. 

"It's the people she hangs out with mom," Alyssa pitched in, "They drink, smoke weed, probably do other drugs, and of course have sex." 

"Don't talk about your sister like that, Ali!" her mom said, "You and her may have opposite lifestyles but that is no reason to talk down about her!" 

"Sorry mom," Alyssa said. 

"I need a way to punish her, make her focus on school instead of going to parties and sleeping with boys. A way that shows her that she's acting like a child." 

Alyssa and her mother sat in silence for a few moments. 

"Alyssa?" her mom soon interrupted, "Don't you have homework to do?" 

"Yeah, I'll be upstairs mom!" Alyssa said as she got up and headed up to her room. Her mom clearly had an idea, and wanted to go through with it in privacy. Alyssa couldn't wait to find out what it was. 

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