A Diapered Sister

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About a week or so passed and Erin was still forced to wear diapers. But everything had gone downhill since. When Erin found out she wasn't allowed to use the bathroom she threw a tantrum, and Alyssa has caught her several times trying to steal the bathroom key from her room. 

But that still wasn't the worst part. The following week both girls went to school, Erin, of course, wore her diapers. It was maybe only a day until the entire school was talking about the popular girl, Erin Micheals who wore diapers. All of her friends refused to speak with her. Alyssa felt a little bit bad, and often found herself sitting with Erin at lunch, which didn't really help her reputation either, but she didn't mind. 

After the longest week of school ever for Erin, she started to act better. She'd been defeated, by her mommy's diaper punishment. Alyssa found that Erin had started doing her homework, just to get away from her family, but still, she was doing her homework. She didn't sneak out of school because she didn't really have anyone to sneak out with. Erin's entire family was happy about it, except for Alyssa. 

Alyssa felt bad, Erin had lost nearly all her friends and would likely always be known as the girl who wore diapers. Alyssa thought it's be better than being considered a slut, but at least when people thought you were a slut they talked to you, they completely ostracized Erin, and Alyssa wanted to help. 

Alyssa tried to talk to her parents, "Please Mom," she pled, "Erin doesn't have any friends anymore!" 

"I'm sorry Alyssa," her mother said, "But Erin hasn't acted this good since elementary school. If you want to take responsibility for her failure in school be my guest, but I'm not going to let her out of those diapers!" 

"But nobody will speak to her, they laugh at her in the hallway, mean girls she used to be friends with slap her butt just to hear the diaper crinkle!" 

"And her grades have increased at least a letter grade in all of her classes!" 

Alyssa accepted it, Erin was going to be stuck in diapers for a very long time, and there was no way Alyssa could help her. 

Each time Alyssa saw Erin walk around the house in her diaper, she felt bad. Their mom had made Erin not wear pants so that she could always see her diaper, and change it when needed. That also made Alyssa upset, the constant changing. 

Their mother would find Erin in a wet diaper and exclaim to the entire house that Erin needed to be changed, then she would lead her upstairs and change her. But that wasn't it. Wherever they went their mom carried a diaper bag, which she used whenever she checked the condition of Erin's diaper and found it to be less than ideal, normally after one or two wettings. Oftentimes she had Erin wear a skirt so that she could easily lift it and check the damage done. 

Erin wanted to help her sister, she just didn't quite know how yet. 

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