Erin's Punishment

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A week soon passed and Alyssa was convinced that her mom had let the entire thing go. Erin continued to skip classes, go out to parties, and was gone until 10:00 at night most days. 

However, Saturday soon came. Most Saturdays Erin would be out all day with her friends. Alyssa, nor her mom or dad knew where she was, just that she was out. 

Alyssa awoke that morning around 8:30, and headed downstairs. She made a bowl of cereal and sat at the kitchen table eating and looking out the window. 45 minutes later, while Alyssa sat reading a book for English class, Erin came downstairs. She quickly moved to the kitchen and began to make a quick breakfast. She quickly ate the apple and drank the coffee that she had grabbed and then went back upstairs. A usual occurrence, she was getting dressed for her long day of shenanigans. 

When she came downstairs she wore leggings, very tight leggings, and a crop top with a small jacket on top. She grabbed her bag and made her way to the door when she was abruptly stopped by her mom. "Erin!" her mom said, "How nice to see you! Do you have to leave so soon!"

"Yeah mom!" Erin said loudly as she tried to move around her.

"Trying to leave already huh? Well I have something to give you Erin, so you will want to wait a few minutes."

"I don't want anything you're giving me!" Erin cried as she tried to push her way past her mom. Eventually Erin gave up her fighting and accepted her fate. Alyssa watched as their mother put Erin's hand in hers and walked her up the stairs. Alyssa followed, she wanted to know what was  going on. 

The two quickly turned and made their way into Erin's room. Alyssa waited at the top of the stairs, her dad passed and asked, "What's going on?" 

"I think mom is punishing Erin." Alyssa said. 

He knew exactly what that entailed and he headed down the stairs. Alyssa got up and moved towards Erin's room. More cries came from it, most from Erin, "No! No! I'm not wearing that!" was most of what Alyssa could hear. The door was shut, and when Alyssa came to it she opened it just wide enough that she could see in. 

What she saw surprised her. Erin lay on her bed, her leggings cast off. She was squirming quite a bit. Their mom then entered the frame and laid Erin on her back. She unfolded... a diaper? She slid it under Erin's butt and powdered it before folding the front back over and taping it up. Alyssa watched as her mom helped Erin up and then examined her diaper, and a diaper it was. It was big and poofy and white, and it had a cute lion design on the front. 

Alyssa left the door and headed downstairs, she wanted as little part of this as possible. Erin and their mom came down soon after. Erin's leggings were on once more, but they barely covered her diaper which stuck up out of the top, and left a clear and obvious bulge around her crotch and butt. 

Erin sat down on the couch, tears continued to roll down her face. Alyssa said nothing, she just kinda stared at Erin's diaper which was poking out of the top of her leggings. Their mom then interrupted to silence once more, "I'm sorry Erin," she said, "But you're going to wear these until your grades improve." 

Erin sat in silence. 

"I just want what's best for you." their mom said. 

"Do I have to wear them to school?" Erin said, her voice cracking due to her tears. 

"Yes, I want you to wear them everywhere you go, to school, to parties, out to lunch, everywhere." 

"But my friends!" Erin cried.

"If they won't understand that you need to work on school for a bit, they're not really your friends are they?"

"They are!" Erin screamed, "But they won't be if they find out I'm wearing diapers!" 

"That's enough!" her mom yelled. She then got up from her chair at the kitchen table and walked over to Erin, "If you're going to act like a baby you'll be treated like one!" Their mother then proceeded to pull Erin's leggings off, revealing Erin's diaper underneath. Alyssa sat and watched, she was pretty sure both her mom and her sister had forgotten she was there. Once their mom was done she said, "No more pants in the house, I want to see your diaper at all times!" She then walked away. 

Erin continued to sob. She tried to cover her diaper, but just decided to let it go and gave up. Alyssa stared at the soft white diaper. "What're you looking at?" Erin said between sobs.

"Sorry, I won't tell anyone," Alyssa replied.

"Damn straight you won't," Erin said as Alyssa got up and headed upstairs to her room. She couldn't believe it. Erin was in diapers. 

When she sat down at her desk she saw a note, with a key attached. She picked it up and read it, it said:

Alyssa, your sister continues to want to act like a child, so under my roof, she will be. This is the key to the bathroom. Lock it when you come out, unlock it when you go in. Erin doesn't need it, she has her diapers. 

Alyssa stared at the note a little bit longer, 'Erin's not going to like this' she thought. 

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