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✽+†+✽―― what a time ――✽+†+✽

I had been in Boston for two days and it felt so great to finally see something of the world. The day after I arrived, me and my aunt went shopping. We passed the bookstore again but this time the boy from last time wasn't there. Which I thought was a shame because he was actually quite nice.

The encounter with him somehow stayed in my head, especially his eyes. Matt. I wonder what that's an abbreviation for? Mattie? Matthew? Mattias?

Auntie brought me out of my thoughts. "Chaise, I have to work today. What do you want to do?" she asked as she poked her head through my bedroom door.

"I actually wanted to go to the beach, but if you need the car, I'll stay here." I said. "You can drive me to work and then pick me up again." She suggested and I accepted the offer.

So I drove her to work. She worked as a waitress in a restaurant in the city center. She had told me that she usually worked as a waitress because it was an easy job and there were restaurants everywhere looking for waiters.

I dropped her off and drove on to the beach. It was quite windy but the sound of the waves relaxed me.

I walked along the water and enjoyed the fresh wind that blew around my ears. I had taken off my shoes and walked along where the beach touched the ocean. The cold water was pleasant in the warmth.

I saw some people playing on a volleyball court in the distance and I had to grin. If you live in LA, you can't avoid volleyball. And I don't want to praise myself, but I'm really good at volleyball.

I walked over to watch. It was 2 against 2. Actually you play with 6 members per team, but I have 12 people playing volleyball.

There were 3 boys and one girl, who I saw was called Alahna. She played great, but her team partner wasn't so good. The two boys in the opposing team were better.

"Would you like to play?" the girl suddenly asked me and I flinched for a moment as she approached me. "Uh, wouldn't that be a bit unfair?" I asked jokingly. I looked at the boys who were laughing about something but waved at me and I waved back.

She laughed and turned around. "Oli's playing like hell and we've got no chance against Nate and Wilson. So one more would only be fair, plus there should be 3 more players coming soon so it's perfect." She explained and held out her hand to me. "I'm Alahna by the way."

I shook her hand. "Well then Alahna, I'd love to play. But Nate and Wilson need to brace themselves, I'm really good." She looked at me questioningly and waited for me to say something else and I was confused.

When she realized I didn't understand her look, she said, "And what's your name?" I laughed when I realized that I had forgotten to introduce myself. "Oh, sorry, I'm Chaise."

She smiled at me and was about to say something but her eyes wandered behind me. "Ah, here they come. NICK, I HOPE YOU BROUGHT THE SUN CREAM." She shouted and I turned around to follow her gaze.

And when I saw who was coming towards me my jaw almost dropped. There were three boys who looked almost identical, the only difference was their hairstyles and they all looked like...Matt, the boy from the bookstore. Besides the fact that the one on the far left was Matt. At least I thought so.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 - Matt SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now