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✽+†+✽―― what a time ――✽+†+✽

I was standing in front of the Sturniolos' front door and was struggling to decide whether to ring the bell. Matt had invited me over to chill with him and his brothers. I was a bit nervous and hoped I wouldn't bump into his mom.

Eventually I got over myself to ring the doorbell and hoped that one of the boys would open the door for me so that I wouldn't get into an awkward situation.

But my hopes were not fulfilled, the mother opened the door for me and beamed at me with a warm smile, which I already knew from Matt. He probably got it from his mom.

"Heyy, you must be Chaise, I'm Mary-lou." She said and held her hand out to me. I shook her hand and replied. "Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you." "I feel the same way. Matt couldn't stop-" she was interrupted.

"Chaiseeeee. Glad you're here. Mom, aren't you going to let her in?" It was Matt who smiled at me just as warmly and my heart skipped a beat when I saw him.

"Oh, of course. Why don't you come in?" Mary-Lou stepped aside and I walked past her into the house. As soon as I walked in, a pleasant smell hit my nose. Every home had its own smell and I really liked this one.

Matt and I hugged each other in greeting and he smelled so much better. We broke away and I noticed that his mother was watching us excitedly. Her eyes sparkled with joy and I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

I took off my shoes and made some more small talk with his mother. Mary-Lou was such a dear and I liked her very much and hoped that she liked me too.

Matt and I ran upstairs together to join his brothers in the room. "Hey guys." I said as I stepped into the room and laughed as Chris and Nick hopped around funny because they were playing lets dance.

Nick looked fine but Chris was doing moves I didn't even know existed, in short it looked weird.

"I would say hello to you but I'm winning right now." Chris said and I had to laugh as I continued to watch. "What a liar." Nick said. Matt and I exchanged an amused look.

He looked far too good again that day. He was wearing black and I thought that was just his color. It made him look a bit emo but the dark color made his blue eyes stand out. I also liked how comfortable he made me feel and the way he looked at me made me forget to breathe.

It was too early to talk about love. Of course it was too soon, we had known each other for a week and a half. But it felt like something more. I had already told him so much about myself and he about himself.

But I couldn't deny the attraction. It was there and I was sure he felt it too.

A frustrated scream from Chris made us turn our eyes away from each other and look at his brothers.

I spent the afternoon with the boys and that afternoon I laughed like I hadn't in a long time. they were really funny and no one had ever made me laugh as much as they did.

At the end of the day, Matt drove me home without his brothers in the back seat, just him and me. It was raining cats and dogs and I was glad he was driving, I hated driving in the rain.

A pleasant silence fell between us. He looked at me again and again and the tension between us became unbearable. But neither of us spoke. It was as if there was so much to say but no one dared to speak. That's why I had to get over myself.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 - Matt SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now