Chapter 23

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Jin looked at Y/n in astonishment as she pulled him inside the airport. "What is this?" He asked her, pulling a trolley behind him along with a backpack. She dragged him into the boarding section and released his arm.

"This is an airport!" She mumbled, taking out the documents from her sling bag, fixing her backpack strap on her shoulder and the glasses falling from the bridge of her nose and Jin looked at her. "What is an airport?"

"Where do planes fly?" She pointed out the obvious and gave him a look of disappointment for asking him such a stupid question but then it struck her mind. She turned to peek at him who was still looking at her in confusion.

"You don't have planes on your planet," she mumbled and he quirked an eyebrow at her. "We do. We don't have buses and cars on our planet. It is all flying machines that move on magnetic fields. Neither diesel nor gas." He said and Y/n gave him a sour look.

His planet was either completely stupid or extremely genius. There was no in-between.

"But our planes don't look like the butt of an eggplant with hands attached to it." He added, staring at the picture of the plane below the airport name. She tried to control her laugh at how he tried to diss the model of the Wright Brothers. He noticed that and decided to briefly continue his explanation to make her laugh at his planet's only mode of transportation. "Our planes look like what you guys call spaceships or UFOs. The egg yolk one," he says and Y/n bursts out laughing but hands him a thin book, a thin strip of paper, and a card with his image on it.

 Jin's eyes widened at his picture and then he looked at his name printed beside it with the logo of the flag of South Korea. "What are these? Why am I here? Am I being jailed?" He questioned and Y/n scoffed.

"This is your passport, ticket, visa and this one is your ID card," she explained. He looked at her in disbelief. "How did you manage all of these in one evening?" He asked and she rolled her eyes, dragging his hand to pull forward but he stood on his place, causing her to jerk backward because of his steel strength.

She glared at him but he grinned at her sheepishly before holding the documents and then the trolley. He signaled Y/n to lead the way which she did. They stood in the queue at the check-in counter. Y/n stood behind him because he knew he would mess up and he did-

"Where are you headed to?" The attendant asked and Jin smiled at her politely. "Wherever this plane is taking me-"

"Tokyo, Japan. Ignore him, he is scared of planes so he is currently anxious right now." Y/n told the attendant from behind him with a smile, earning a glare from Jin. The attendant chuckled at their cuteness and let them through. 

They moved to the baggage counter and Jin did it again.

"Why are they taking our belongings away from us?" He screamed, trying to pull the trolley back from the airport authority who was just doing his job but was presently scared of the angry blue-eyed man, trying to snatch the bag away from his hands.

"Jin, let it be! They will take care of our belongings till we land. Don't worry!" She yelled, slapping his hand away and smacking his back as well. "No, but-" she patted over his lips and pushed him away, pulling his backpack down his shoulders and giving it to the guy who was smiling at her nervously.

"He is anxious to fly for the first time," a woman behind them whispered to his husband who nodded. "I heard them earlier-" 

"I am an Astronaut!" Jin turned back and patted his chest proudly to them while the couple shrank in their places, watching the man act all mighty. "I was trained to fly my whole life-"

"Sorry, first time, you see. He is a bit over-dramatic," Y/n pulled him away and smiled at the couple while Jin passed her a look of bewilderment. "You really are disrespecting me a lot today, butterfly."

"And you are embarrassing me in public, you moron!" She whispered back but he scoffed at her, gripping the documents tightly. "Public? What is my fault this-"

She smacked a tape over his lips and everyone was giving them a weird gaze. "I knew I needed this for the trip." She said, putting the tape roll back into her sling bag. Jin was fisting his hands in anger and fusing his brows together but exhaled heavily through his nose and turned away, crossing his arms in front of his chest and the black tape still attached over his lips. On the other hand, Y/n tried to read the section where they must head as it is mentioned on the ticket.

"They look like such cute couples while fighting." One of them said and Jin gladly heard that. He winked at them, pulled the tape off, and waved his hand but immediately got pulled by Y/n who was now running across the airport. 

"The plane is already here! We can board now!" She mumbled but Jin noticed the reading on her wristwatch that was accelerating. He tried to pull his hands back, causing Y/n to groan in annoyance. "What happened, Jin? You know you are so chaotic-"

"Hey, calm down. It'll be fine." He pulled her into a hug while she froze in her place, her head colliding against his hard chest. He stroked her back and heard the beeping of the wristwatch slowing down. He smiled and pressed his lips over the crown of his head.

The passers-by were admiring the view because they thought it was a reunion of lovers who had a long-distance relationship. She took a deep breath and pushed him back and Jin looked at her with a small smile dancing on his lips. He held her wrist and pulled her close, noticing her tinted red cheeks and the way she was avoiding looking at him. "Where do we go from here, butterfly?" She pointed forward and Jin looked in that direction and smirked before saying,

"Let's board this butt of a brinjal with attached hands!"


Butt of a brinjal actually sounds better than aeroplane 🤔

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Butt of a brinjal actually sounds better than aeroplane 🤔

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