Ch. 3 ~ Refuser of help

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Ayan's POV

We were nervously waiting in the waiting room before the doc finally called us in.

"Hello, Doc." I said as if we were long-time friends and he frowned at me.

"Hello so what did you come with?"

"My boy- I meant friend fell down when we were trying to ride on rollerblades. We were dumb and didn't have helmets or protectors so he broke his wrist and got a few bruises." I was a very great liar because the doc totally bought it or he just didn't care.

"Sit down, I'll look at the hand." Alan nodded and sat on the stretchers while I was holding his jacket which he had to take off.

"I see you are limping, didn't you hurt your leg as well?" He wanted to look at it but Alan stopped him.

"No, no... just the wrist."

"I should examine you properly if there are no other injuries." To not make it seem suspicious, Alan listened to him and let him touch his legs with his pants on but then he heard Alan hissing when he touched his thigh.

"Pull your pants down a little so I can see-." Alan couldn't do it with his one hand when he couldn't move much with the other one so I immediately approached him and pulled down his zipper. The doc looked at us weirdly. Doesn't he do this to his pals as well?

"Such a big bruise... you may have fallen on the rock." Alan is actually lucky he got that bruise from yesterday... if it was older, I'm sure he'd know.

"I'll check your breathing as well if nothing happened to your limbs when you fell so roughly on your front." But as he pulled his shirt, he gasped.

"This bruise... how did it happen? Didn't you fall on your front?"

"He also fell on his back."

"I'd like to hear it from him." Don't tell me that he suspects me of something here?!

"He's right... I fell on both sides, first at my back but Ayan helped me up, then I fell on my front." I innocently smiled like an angel so he wouldn't think anything in that little head of his.

"Alright, you'll get a plaster on your wrist but if anything else occurs, call me." We nodded and then left with his plaster.

"See? You still have to wait for six weeks till you can go back to work... if you want it to heal, tell your boyfriend to not come at least for that time or you won't heal it!" I said strictly so he would listen to me but luckily his psycho boyfriend told him to not disturb him as he's on his one month vacation with his new boyfriend and his nephews. Dick.

"Well... at least you have time to heal it." He stayed quiet in the car as if he were disappointed. I wanted to cheer him up somehow...

"So Alan... what do you like to do when you are not working?"

"Reading I guess..."

"No way, me too! See? We are a match made in heaven-!" I quickly shut my mouth when he frowned at me... I seriously need to go to the bookstore.

I parked in one of my favorite stores and wanted to help Alan inside but he refused to go.

"Just choose something, I'll wait."

"Oh come on, don't you like the smell of books?" He shook his head. What a bother. "Okay then tell me which book you'd like to buy and I'll find it."

"Maybe... The Perks of Being a Wallflower..."

"Oh I read this, you are gonna love it." I smiled and left the car. Then I looked for his book but they had it just in English. Should I ask him if he can translate it? Nah, it could be a chance to read it together and translate everything he wouldn't understand... then I looked for my book but didn't want to talk to the cashier about it. In the end I bought two of them, Crazy Love which was describing a similar situation in which Alan currently was and See what you made me do to understand the victims

The Age of Broken Hearts | AlanxAyan l FirstKhaotung AU fanfiction (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now