Comfort of the castle

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It was the morning after Anne's nightmare. She woke up to the sounds of whispers. Sasha and Marcy had woken up a few minutes prior and were talking quietly to each other.

Anne adjusted herself. They both went quiet. Wait had they stayed by her side the whole night? Anne was sure that they would leave her. Huh

"You sleep ok after your nightmare?" Sasha asked softly. "Yes" she said plainly.

After the incident last night, Sasha had been up wondering when she had gone from seeing Anne as their prisoner to being a... friend? Are they friends? She didn't know.

Marcy was happy to see Anne warming up to them in the last few days. It hurt to see her so distraught last night. She wondered what the dream was about.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Marcy asked. Anne thought for a moment. She sat up. "What's there to eat?" She wasn't fully use to castle food yet. When they had her locked up in the dungeon they had fed her slop. She wasn't exactly sure what it was.

During her few days as a servant she's gotten to try several foods. It was weird how much food they have. So many choices. So many meals.

At camp you only got enough to keep you from starving. It wasn't the easiest to get food. Of course they had crops, but they were only good a certain time of year. Everyone has to split the food.

Some of the foods she's tried so far were pancakes, omelets, and waffles for breakfast. She's also had various seasoned chickens. There were other meals but she can't remember what the names were.

"You could try eggs?" Sasha suggested. Anne's eyes lit up. Eggs were a very common breakfast in the gang. It was easy to snag eggs from local farmers. She was missing the familiarity of them.

"Yea that sounds great! I love eggs!" She stretched her arms and legs out. "Oh good! How do you want them?" This question confused Anne. Was it that they were asking if she wanted them cooked or raw? "Uhh cooked?"

"Well yea- but I mean do you want them scrambled, sunny side up, boiled, etc." Anne stared at them blankly. There's more then one way to make eggs? We always just cracked them onto a pan over a fire. "Uhh sunny side up?" She just picked one.

"Kk. I'll go have the chef make it. What do you want sash?" Sasha thought for a moment. "I'll have the same as Anne." Marcy nodded. "I'll be right back then." She left.

Anne sighed and pulled her blanket closer to her. Sasha looked at her. She attempted to make conversation. "Soooooo what would you be doing right now if you were with the rest of your people." Anne looked surprised at the question. She looked to the side and thought for a second. "I guess I would probably be hanging out with my younger brother." Oh she has siblings. That made Sasha feel bad for taking Anne away from them. She also realized this might not be the best choice of conversation.

"Or maybe I would be planning a mission with Hop- my grandpa." She realized she shouldn't expose his name. Even if it wasn't his real name.

So it might be a family business Sasha thought to herself. "What about your parents?" Sasha asked curious. Anne noticeably tensed. "I don't want to talk about this anymore." She said coldly. Shoot that must me a sore spot. She resorted to just nodding in understanding. Just then Marcy came back.

The smell of eggs filled Anne's nostrils. Her mood was lifted as Marcy placed her eggs in front of her. She grabbed a fork and dug in. She became accustomed to using silverware in her time in newtopia. In the camp there is no use for them. You just use your hands. She has to admit she prefers using forks.

"Taste good?" Marcy asked as Anne hummed in delight. "Best eggs ever!" So maybe the castle is not that bad. It's just not where her heart is. And she could get along with theses two.

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