[4] | Run Away, I Dare You.

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Blood ran down the river, it stained the rocks.

There was a faint smudge.

There was no way to remove it.

Panic arose.

Realization hits.

He didn't want to be caught in all of this.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Balloon gasped for breath as he ran, every second he had to stabilize his hood, the wind was blowing it off. His scarf swayed as he ran, he was going to die. He knew this day would come, but he never imagined it would be today. He peeked behind, only to find Trophy racing after him. He let out a small yelp, and ran faster.

"GET BACK HERE!" Trophy screamed, reaching in to grab Balloon's scarf.

Balloon continued running, his adrenaline pumping through his veins. He was terrified. Trophy was a beast to him, it was absolutely horrifying. There was something sinister about Trophy now, perhaps it was the animalistic look he held. His eyes were as sharp as an animal. It was alarming how he quickly changed in one day. Balloon looked around, hoping for anything nearby that would help him. He panted, his hands were shaking a bit, he shoved them in his pockets. Trophy was getting near, he quickly hid behind a tree.

The sound of leaves crunching underneath Trophy's step sent shivers down Balloon's spine. He held his breath, closing his eyes tightly.

"Come out." A voice huffed.

Balloon didn't bother to look for the voice, he knew it was right behind him. This was like a game of hide and seek, but if you were caught, you would be murdered.

Gone forever.

Balloon didn't want to be forgotten, and he knew if Trophy did eventually kill him, he would hide his body. Who wouldn't? Almost every murderer does it. He didn't want Suitcase to just assume he left his treehouse. She would think he went missing, or kidnapped, she would probably even think it's a murder. But Balloon didn't want to die, he wanted to stay with Suitcase. He always wanted to be with Suitcase, he would die for Suitcase.

Balloon prayed to himself, begging that he would stay alive for one more day– to tell his goodbyes.

Balloon was lost in thought before something was heard hit the side of his head, it ended up on the tree he was on. Balloon glanced at his side, to see what hit the tree. It was Trophy's knife. He began running once again, knowing that Trophy knew where he was.

Trophy yanked his knife off of the stump, he sprinted towards Balloon. Balloon jumped onto a tree before he could have the chance to stab him. Balloon sat down on a thick tree branch, he glanced down at Trophy, who had his threatening eyes watch over him.

"I could stay here all day." Balloon said, smiling down at Trophy nervously.

Trophy grumbled, he narrowed his eyes at him. He walked towards Balloon's treehouse, climbing up and closing the door. Balloon was utterly confused, did Trophy just give up on him? He leaned to his side, gazing at the treehouse and wondering what he was going to do inside his home. Until, Trophy brought out an ax. He had forgotten that he mentioned to Trophy that he built the home, meaning he had to cut some trees down. It was obvious that Balloon would either have an ax or a chainsaw in his treehouse.

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