[2] | Taken In

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The sudden voice stunned Trophy. He didn't know what to do, stay in place, or run away? He didn't want to bother this person, it seemed like they were having a nice time before Trophy knocked. The yelp was a clear giveaway to fear. Before Trophy could even decide whether or not to go, someone opened the door.

It was a boy with red-ish, pink-ish hair, his hair was tied into a ponytail. Trophy couldn't specifically tell what color it was, but it was a mix of both. Trophy assumed he was a boy. He wore a yellow scarf with a bow tied on the back, it was a pretty large bow. He didn't look that tall, probably 5,8. He had eyebags around his eyes, he probably didn't sleep well. He wore a red hoodie with a star on the side. There were some stars on the sleeves as well. He had headphones on, gray headphones, they were wrapped around his neck. He had a few scars on his face, some were pretty noticeable, but some were small enough to look like a speck.

"Oh.. you aren't Suitcase.." He murmured, frowning in disappointment.

Trophy rolled his eyes, "Obviously not." He said, "Can I come in?"

The stranger staggered back, "No! Of course not! I don't even know who you are..!" He yelled, looking up at Trophy nervously.

"Well, why don't we start? I have nothing to do anyway, and I'm assuming you don't either."

The boy looked off to the side, "How do I know you won't kill me?"

"I only have my camera with me. I promise, I'm not going to kill you."

He gave an unsure glance towards Trophy, he seemed to have trust issues, "fine.. Come in." He moved out of the way, allowing Trophy inside.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Trophy went inside, looking around in the tree house.

"What's your name?" The stranger asked, looking at Trophy curiously.

"Trophy, what about yours?"

"Balloon." He answered, walking to his table. He went back into eating his cereal out of a wooden bowl.

"How long have you been in this place?" Trophy questioned, taking a few pictures.

"A bit longer than I expected, probably two years."

Trophy hummed, taking the camera strip off and placing the camera on a nightstand, "Why were you expecting Suitcase?"

"She went out to get groceries for me, she takes care of me. She doesn't live here, but when she has free time, she visits me. Her brothers won't let her go out alone, but when they're both gone she comes here. She works as a clothing store cashier." Balloon said, smiling slightly as he glanced off into the window, "Sometimes she gives me money so I can decorate this place a bit."

"Will you pay her back?"

"I will— once I get a job. She gave me three hundred dollars to work with, I'm willing to give it back."

Trophy nodded slowly, "Do you ever plan on getting an actual apartment?" Trophy asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"That just depends if I like it here or not. Because, if I plan to get into an apartment, I would have to pay bills every month. Here, I could just live on my own without paying anyone." Balloon said, smiling a bit and chewing on more cereal.

"..How will you use the bathroom?"

"Nobody actually uses it, they mostly just 'use the bathroom' to brush their teeth or hair." Balloon said. I have a mirror and water bottles for it. I think I'll be fine." He shrugged, placing his spoon down.

"How do you operate in a place like this..?" Trophy murmured, sitting down on the mattress.

"I use a water bottle when I'm washing dishes, and I also use a small amount of water for my toothbrush. I think that's all I do when I use water, just dishes and brushing my teeth."

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