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At Walmart, Chelsea was ready to start her new job there when her first customer came up to the cash register. It was Laila, a beautiful white Afghan Hound from India.

Chelsea: Hi! Welcome to Walmart! How may I help you!

Laila: Namaste. I would like to buy a bouquet of roses for Romeo, spaghetti and meatballs for our romantic dinner, and "Crazy Rich Asians" on DVD.

Chelsea: Okay! That'll be $2701!

Laila: WHAT THE HECK?! Are you joking?! $2701 for all that stuff?! Whatever happened to $43?!

Chelsea: It got pulled straight out of your ears!

Laila: ... You are one really mean cashier! That does it! I am going to Target instead because the employees there are more well-behaved than you are!

Chelsea: Get out of this store right now or I'll call the bodyguards on you!

The dog girl grumbles and eventually leaves the store. Then, another customer, a Japanese white dwarf rabbit named Haru, comes to the counter with a shopping cart full of garden stuff.

Chelsea: Hi! Welcome to Walmart! How may I help you?

Haru: Konnichiwa. I would like to buy a bunch of sunflower seeds for my garden, along with a new watering can, shovel, and fertilizer please.

Chelsea: Um, I'm sorry to say this, but that's not fertilizer. That's cow manure.

Haru: WHAT?! No it isn't! If it was cow manure, then it would smell!

Chelsea: Whatever! Leave immediately or else I'll stab you with my trident!

Haru: My goodness! You are one despicable mermaid! That's it! I am going to another cashier! Good day ma'am!

Chelsea: Go get mauled by a bunch of dogs!

As Haru leaves to find another cashier, another customer, Wade Ripple, approaches Chelsea.

Chelsea: Hi! Welcome to Walmart! How may I help you?

Wade: Hello. I would like to buy 4 cases of bottled water, along with "Blue Beetle" on 4K Ultra HD!

Chelsea: I'm sorry to say this, but all those bottles of water are actually moose urine.

Wade: Oh my God! How gross are you! I doubt that this store would even sell something like that!

Chelsea: I don't care!

Wade: Okay, that's it! I am going to another Walmart store instead! I hope you get fired!

Chelsea: I doubt that! Get out of here now, pool boy!

As Wade leaves the store in disgust, the manager, Retsuko, angrily approaches Chelsea.

Retsuko: CHELSEA! How dare you be so discourteous to our loyal Walmart customers! That's it! You are fired! Get out of this store immediately or else I'll go into rage mode!

Chelsea, frightened by Retsuko's threat to go full rage mode, runs away from the store in panic. At home, she sulks after being fired for the third time in a row.

Chelsea: This sucks! I got fired from three stores in a row! Well, here goes nothing! Next stop: Dunkin Donuts!

Chelsea runs out of the house for the fourth time to get a new job at Dunkin Donuts.

To Be Continued...

Chelsea for HireWhere stories live. Discover now