FOUR: White Roses.

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"But what if he is? Maybe he could help me scare off the debtors!" I said, a light bulb glowing in me.

"A lawyer could do th-"

"Shush unnie" Jennie said, before leaning on the table.

"First we need solid proof he's a mafia. Then. We ask him to scare off the debtors." She said, as I nodded.

Game on.

Pov: Lee Y/n 🌥️

I needed this debt off my hand asap! And if he was a local mafia he's kind enough to help right? Right?..

Looking outside my window. I watched him walk out of his house, bodyguards surrounding him. I rushed out of the house.

"Mister!" I yelled, running up to him. As I smiled at him. He looked down at me, confused. As his Bodyguards stood beside him protectively.

Taking a deep breathe. I smiled at him with all the patience I had left. "See. I know we got off on the wrong note but! But but but but but" I laughed at my daily attempt to look normal.

Hah. Flop.

"First of all." He said, his deep voice hitting my ears like, rain on the streets. My breath stopped for a second. What happened? Idk ask my heart.

"I'm not 'mister' I'm je- I mean. I'm Han Jaemin. So please. Don't call me mister like  some street vendor." He said, as I clencbed my fists.

To bring to his fac- no. I'm not punching him.

Taking a deep breath, I extended my hand, as his gaze shifted from my hand to my face
"Im Lee Y/n and I would like to apologise and start on a good note since we're gonna see eachother somehow." I said. As he smiled.

"You don't know what your getting into Ms Lee." He said, before smiling and shaking my hand. What does he mean by that?

Mental note. Tell my girlies.

"Anyways, goodbye" he said, before walking to his car.

"Let me take you out!" I blurted out. As all the heads present, turned to look at me, their eyes saying. 'girl you did not just say that' I'm telling myself that too.

He chuckled. (Hot wtf?) "Excuse me?" He said, taking off his sunglasses, as I gulped. "I meant like. As an apology" this was the only way I could get out some information. Even though he's a mafia.

What am I doing honestly?

Well I'm either gonna die by the debtors or him so what's there to lose? Right?

Shaking her foot continuously under the table, Anxiety filled y/ns veins. Surprisingly Mr assh- I mean Mr Jeon/ Han agreed to their little lunch meet up.

Entering the gates of the restaurant, in his tuxedo and sunglasses, everyone stared at him in awe. Men going gay, women leaving their husbands or boyfriends.

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