THIRTEEN: Her Jealousy.

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"why does it matter to you?"


-Sighing, i groaned, before I opened my phone. To see 6 pictures from Jisoo unnie, frowning. I opened them. Only to see pictures of Jungkook.


Pov: Jeon Jungkook 🖤

Smiling to myself, I looked up at Juri, she made move after move and honestly, I had the upper hand here, she would give me everything i wanted for a little bit of attention and it was visible.

I smiled at her, as the blush on her cheeks grew pinker, "So Juri if I may-" "oh ofcourse! You can call me anything you want" she said in a seductive manner, leaning on the table, I looked away from her, to hand her some sort of respect.

Why? The dress was um very um-
I only stare at my woman there.

Taking another sip of my whiskey, as Music boomed in the club, I heard her laugh, as she suddenly held my hand, catching me off guard. But this is my only way of getting information.

"So pretty woman. Any idea where your husband might be" I said, a smile on my face as I caressed her hand. "Ex-husband." She said.

"How about we talk this over in my room?" She said giggling.

I narrowed my eyes at her, before chuckling. "I think that can wait no?" I said, leaning closer, as she smiled at me, her hand running down my chest.

If I didn't need information from her. I would've cut her arm off.

Forcing a smile on my face she giggled again. Dragging me to the dance floor. I groaned closing my eyes. Smiling at her, I danced a bit.

15 minutes felt like 24 days.

Laughing as we returned to our seats. She smiled. "I'll tell you handsome. Bi-han is back in Busan, apparently he got some chick pregnant, and has a kid there. Thats where you'll find Bi-han."

I smiled. Before kissing her hand and getting up. "Alright then. I guess I'll be leaving." I fixed my suit. "So soon? Won't you spend the night?" I smiled.

"Next time?" I said, as she giggled watching me leave.

"I need a shower to wash her off me" I said, groaning and loosening my shirt, as I sat in the car. Jin hyung laughed, as he started the car taking us home.
After about 45 Minutes, the car stopped infront of my penthouse. Jin hyung turned the car around cause he needed to go pick up the rest.

I groaned opening the door. As I was greeted with y/n. Standing in her shorts, arms crossed with her phone in her hand.

It was 12am. What the hell is she doing up?

"Haven't you slept?" I asked her in a cold tone. As I made my way to the kitchen. She followed me.

"Where the hell were you?" She asked, in an annoyed tone. Which meant she knew where I was.

"Working." I said, taking a sip of my water.
She rolled her eyes. As I smiled. Let's see where this goes.

Here we go.

Pov: Lee Y/n 🌥️

This asshole! I was here stuck at home. By myself. All alone. And he was outside, at a club partying, and sucking up to some lady. That pissed me off more. Why was he with her?

"Oh really? What were you working on?" I asked, gritting my teeth. As he smiled.

"Important work" he said, a smirk plastered on his face. If he fucked her. I will kill him. Then her.

"What kind?" I asked.
"Important." He said cockily.

I rolled my eyes. Showing him the pictures. "Really? Such important work huh?" I asked, as he smiled. "Very important." He walked passed me. Before I grabbed his arm turning him around.

He looked at me up and down. I knew he was stunned by my actions. But didn't react. He turned towards me completely. Leaning himself. So our eyes connected.

"Who's this girl?" I asked. Keeping eye contact. As he smiled, before staring at me and walking away.

No. He's not gonna walk away.

Grabbing him by his collar, I pulled him towards me. "Who is she?" I asked. As he looked at me up and down. "Why does it bother you?" As I was silent. I couldn't tell him.

"B-because because i-" he grabbed my wrist. Before calmly putting it down. "Dont start things sweetheart, once I start with you. I won't stop." He said. Before heading upstairs.


Making her way to the bedroom, she sat on the bed. Her face in a frown. She was upset and angry. While she was stuck at home. He was having fun with other woman!?!

Unacceptable for her.

She heard a click, and the bathroom door opened revealing, a shirtless Jungkook, his hair and entire body wet from the shower.

Just a towel around his waist. Jungkook knew y/n was in the room, and as everyone knows. He loves teasing her (you).

Drying his hair, with a towel, he looked directly at you. Your heartbeat increasing S you stared at the droplets that slipped down his abs.

Her breathing grew rapidly. She needed her inhaler. She took her inhaler, using it and catching her breath. Her cheeks pink, as she looked away. He smiled. Looking down and looking back up.

She got up, hurrily walking to exit the room, before she was pulled back and pinned to the wall. Her hands either side of her head.

"Where are you off to princess?" He asked in a deep voice, she gulped. "K-kitchen" she  mentally slapped herself for stuttering.

"Why? If your hungry, I can fill your stomach."
💗: my heartbeat is so fast rn.

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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