FIVE: Incidents.

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• Recap

"To new starts, and fresh beginnings" he said, as she smiled.

She just stared at him blankly.

He turned around to leave but then turned back. "Maybe Eternal love soon?" He said, teasingly, raising his eyebrows. And walking out.

Y/n looked at the bouquet in her hands. Sighing to herself. She smiled. She knew he was just kidding, I mean she barely knew him.

Heck she wanted to know him. Especially if he was a mafia ofcourse. But her heart beat for his gesture.

Smiling to herself, she finished the last of her fries before making her way out and going home.

Lee Y/n 🌥️

"Okay your gonna go in there and your gonna tell them who's boss!" Jennie said, as I prepped taking breathes. "Tell them who's boss tell them who's boss" I said walking up...

To the kids who were swinging wayyyy too fast on a swing.

But I melted, "heyy kiddoosss no fast swingy okay?" I said, as they giggled going faster.

"Hey! I said no fast swinging!" I raised my voice a bit, trying to show some sterness, but the little girl started crying, seeing her crying the boy started crying.

This is a mess.

My aunt is this parks manager, and today she hasn't been able to supervise, so she asked me too. And as you can see it's not going well.

"No no- please please-"

"What's going on here?" A deep voice said. Shit I'm screwed, I turned around to see a 7ft male, so bulky. Is he a wrestler.

"H-hello sir, i- was just um i just um" this sentence was followed by a very nervous chuckle, as I clasped my hands together, trying to come up with an excuse cause I didn't want to be smooshed into powder.

The man just grew angrier walking up towards me, as I feared what's next but it didn't come because.

Because...Jaemin (JK) was there.

He stood in front of me, laughing. His back facing the man, as he held onto my arms. "There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere! It's time for your meds-" he said confusing me, as I just stared at him.

"Let's go-" he was about to take me, but the man stopped us. Making Jaemin (JK) laugh. "Forgive me for my wife, she's um." He looked at me, as I was still stuck in the word wife.

"She's crazy" he said, as the man raised his eyebrow, suddenly i don't know what he saw. That fear struck his eyes. He nodded, chuckling nervously. Moving away. As Jaemin (JK) pulled me out of there.

"Thank you" I said softly, as he nodded. "Jennie called me. So no need to thank me." He said, a small smile on his lips, as I turned to Jennie, who was busy in a convo with one of Jaemin's (JK) friends I had seen earlier.

"Thats Yoongi Hyung. Min Yoongi. Seems like our friends have some stuff in common" he said, as I looked at him. "I guess they do."

I wish we had something in common.

Wait. No.

"Thank you for the save again." I said, as he looked at me. "Anything for a neighbour right?" He said, "or you'll come at me with a knife and stab me you know where I live" he said, making me laugh.

He makes me laugh. What is wrong with me honestly?

"JESUS CHRIST Y/N!" I heard my aunt's voice, as I turned to look at her. "Aunt Choi i-" she stopped, before laying her eyes on Jaemin (JK).. "Oooh who's this?" She said, smoothly, perking up her boobs.

"Uhh- this is-" Jaemin (JK) interrupted me. "Jaemin. Han, Jaemin" he said, giving a kiss on my aunt's hand.

My aunt may look very young, because of all the botox. But she isn't. She's 54 actually. If your wondering why I didn't ask my aunt for money, it's because she doesn't have much anyway.

She spends everything on shopping or botox. But she's my aunt and she's done alot for me and i respect her. So it's fine.

I stood there, watching as she and Jaemin (JK) spoke. They're odd. But it's fine.

Why do I care anywya? HELL SHES MY AUNT STOP THIS.

The wind blew gently, as y/n settled the last basket of her flowers. There was nothing she loved more than this shop, for it was her mother's favourite spot.

They would make tea, and sit and gossip about the entire family, she misses those times. But she can't bring them back. Taking the cookies out of the oven, suddenly she heard her bakery door slam open.

And the events that followed the sound, made her heart sink.

Hwangs men, trashing the place. Flowers everywhere, glass broken, tea-cups, plates, decorations everything just thrown apart.

As she begged them to stop.

Falling to hwangs feet finally, her throat closing up, but still managing to speak.

"Please please" she said, between her sobs, as Hwang pulled her up by her hair. This was it, shes seen way too much to go back to normal now.

Groaning at the pain. She looked at him with her bloodshot eyes. As he looked at her mocklingly.

"Tsk tsk tsk i warned you Ms lee. Yet you continue to disobey. I want my money by tomorrow understood" he said, smiling as he watched her gasp for air. Her asthma kicking in.

Taking her inhaler, from the desk. Hwang put it under his feet smashing it ifront of her as she begged for it. Suddenly grabbing her jaw, he stared at her face.

"I hope this makes you realise, how dumb and pathetic you are and how Im not a person to take bullshit."He said, laughing before slamming her on the floor. Causing her head to bleed.

The broken glass, scratching her cheek and lip.

She lay there, as she watched them walk out, tears flowing from her eyes, as she kept gasping for breathe.

Until everything went black.
💗: hsjsjsjsksksnsmdm I'm back, sorry for the late updates yalll~
I'll upalod hahahah dbsmsksk
Thank you for all the love <3

Until next time ~

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