NINE: Lights Out.

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• Recap:

-I smiled, walking her inside the apartment.

I was gonna tell her everything. And I will. I want to hear my name come out of her mouth. I want my name to be the only thing her mind focuses on. I want her to scream my name so everyone knows she belongs to me and me alone.

I want her to be mine. But first. She needed to know the real me.

The bat-shit crazy me.

"Y/n. I-" suddenly the power cut out. Grabbing y/n in a flash she helped at my sudden gesture.


"Shush. Someone's in the house.".

Holding Y/n close to him, Jungkook hid behind the kitchen counter, as y/n looked at him. The sound of their heartbeats and the slow sound of their breathe the only noises.

Footsteps, entered the kitchen. As tears filled y/ns eyes, her past passing by her like a tsunami. Until she felt a hand hold her hand. She looked up to find Jungkook holding her hand tightly.

"I know your here Jeon." A deep voice said. As Jungkook knew exactly who it was.

"And I know about your little princess" he said, making y/n look at him. He looked at her, seeing her confused and rattled.

Letting go of her hand, his hand went under his hoodie, grabbing his gun, making y/n start panting, she hated that thing. It killed her mother.

Jungkook looked at y/n, making her eyes filled with tears. He kept looking at her, his eyes softening. "Fuck" he mumbled under his breath. As he watched y/n move away.

Thinking quick, he shot one of the vases, behind The known enemy, dragging y/n up from the counter, and into a nearby closet, pinning her to the back.

His hand on her mouth, bodies pressed against eachother, as she looked into his eyes, her eyes full with disappointment. And tears.

His eyes softened, as she kept looking at him.

A subtle whistling was heard, as the enemy entered the room where the were. Y/n closed her eyes, feeling the footsteps get closer. Taking her inhaler, out of his pocket, he slowly put it to her lips.

As the air filled her lungs again, "heard you." He said, as Jungkook turned around, protecting Y/n. Aiming the gun, straight at the entrance of the closet door.

And it opened.

Revealing Jimin, all suited and sweating, a finger on his lips, as he helped y/n and Jungkook silently, escape the house through the window.

Jimin jumped out slowly, from the back window where he entered, as Y/n followed him. Falling into jimins arms. As Jungkook followed, holding y/ns arms and quickly sitting into his car.

The start of the engine, attracted the entire team at their house. But by the time they realised, They were long gone.

"Your a fucking mafia?!?" Was the first thing, Jungkooks penthouse heard, as y/n followed Jungkook entering.

Jimin nodded, looking at Jungkook and exiting to gather everyone else, since now even y/ns close friends were in danger.

They were safer together. But now there were bigger problems.

The truth.

Pov: Lee Y/n 🌥️

I pushed him. "I trusted you! And you then out to be the kind of people I hate the most" I said, tears spilling out of my eyes. As he just looked down.

"Who the hell are you huh?" I said, grabbing his collar. As he looked down at me. The look he was giving me. It wasn't my love. No respect. Just blank.

Removing my hands from his collar harshly, he gripped them before pushing me on the couch. "I've not killed you yet be grateful." He said, taking off his jacket. As I just kept crying.

"I don't want this. Let me go I don't want to be here!" I yelled, as he looked at me before just saying "no." I groaned in frustration. Before I pushed him again. "Let me go!" But this time.

He grabbed me pinning me to the wall. "I fucking said no didn't i?" He said, as I looked at him, tears flowing one by one.

"The second I let you out there. Those assholes will eat you whole like fucking hyenas you understand?!" He said, gripping my wrist.

"J-jaemin your hurting me" I said, as he snickered. "My Name is Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook." He said, before he let go of me.

I knew who Jeon Jungkook was, he was the youngest son of the Italian Mafia Jeon Jay. Who didn't know about him? Everyone is terrified of him.

I fell to my knees as I cried. I was back there again. Around the kind of people that are responsible for the death of my parents and just like before I was helpless.

I knew that if I did go out. I would get killed. And Jaemin, I mean Jungkook is my safe place. No no no no please.

I just kept crying, as he walked out to another room.

This is hell.

How did everything change this way?

: get ready for a new persona Jungkook ~


Until next time <3
-Ava ~

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