978 34 14

"so your finally mine"

As I sat in my car. Y/n sat beside me. As Jimin hyung knocked on my window. "Bi-han is just a pawn, he told us that, he killed y/ns mom for an anonymous mafia in Russia, apparently his father worked for him and he needed the money. So this is not over yet but for now yeah. Bi-han promised to stay away and not send any men" I nodded,

"Thank you hyung" I said, as I started the car driving us away, even though it felt incomplete, I was satisfied that it had stopped thus, far now I needed to find out who tf he was working for. But first I needed a damn Break honestly.

Pov: Lee Y/n 🌥️

While waiting at home with Jin hyung, I was scared to leave Jungkook, I've lost everyone in my life, i wasn't going to lose another, so I poked the address out Jin oppa.

Seeing Lia there made me kinda meh, i didn't know what to say to her, but what troubled me more is the way Jungkook was hitting Bi-han.

But everything was solved, and i forgive bi-han, maybe he was forced or something. But Lia hugging Jungkook depressed me a bit. I couldn't stand it.

We finally reached home after a very silent car ride, as Jungkook suddenly pulled me towards him when we reached inside.

A little blood still splattered on his face, as he stared directly into my eyes. "What?" I asked as he tilted his head. "Your very silent I don't like it." He said, as I smiled.

"I'm just processing" I lied. As I walked up to the bedroom to have a shower,

It's been 2 hours since me and Jungkook came home and took our respective baths and did our stuff, but Gosh the sexual tension is killing me.

He keeps staring at me, and the air is so thick it feels like I need to cut through it to walk.

Taking a deep breathe I walked to the kitchen, to grab a smack but was met with a full course meal instead. Jungkook, shirtless, drinking water.

Never knew drinking out of a bottle could look this good, he suddenly pulled me towards him, his scent feeding the tension.

He had just showered, and honestly I love his wet hair so much. "What's up with you?" He asked, as I shook my head. "Nothing what's up with you?" I asked back, being sassy.

As he raised his eyebrows, letting me go.
"Is this about Lia hugging me?" He said suddenly, making me gulp and turn around to see him, leaning on the counter, his arms crossed.

I turned back around. "Why do you even care how I am?" I asked, disregarding the topic, I heard a small chuckle, before I felt two warm hands go under my shirt from behind. As he pulled me closer.

"Why cant you just say you love me?" He asked, chuckling, making me smile too. Turning around, he put my arms around his shoulders, picking me up and placing me on the counter.

"Why should I?" I asked, he smiled.
"Cause o know you are. So just tell me." He said, as I rolled my eyes. "Baby don't roll your eyes at me, because if I start rolling them, I won't stop." He said.

"Who's asking you to stop?" I simply said.

"Fuck.." he mumbled underneath his breath, before slamming his lips on mine.

Ever since they got home, she had been driving him insane. And now he lost it. Gripping her thighs tightly, he pulled her closer as he kissed her deeply.

Their little makeout session getting intense by the minutes his hands working it's way to take off her shirt, and he did. His kisses trailing from her neck to her chest. As he looked up at her one more time.

"You tell me to stop and i will okay?" He said, kissing her forehead, as she smiled.

"Shut up and kiss me."

Naked bodies, under the duvet, her head on his chest, as she played with his fingers mid air. He stared at her adoringly, recalling everything they just did.

"Your hands are big" she said, making him laugh. "Ya know what else is big?" He said, making her hit his chest. "Ofcourse I just saw it." She flirted back, catching him off guard.

"I see, gotten bold aye?" He said, before she got on top of him, lying on top of him. "Very bold, didn't you see?" She asked, making him laugh.

"I'm still seeing." He said, smiling as she pulled him in for another kiss, and now she was under him, him being on top of her was her no.1 dream since she crashed her car into him. But ofcourse at that time she wouldn't accept it.

Pulling away from her lips, he smiled, putting her hair behind her ear. "I love you y/n" he said, making her giggle.

"I love you more Jungkook." She said, before hugging him tightly.

"Mine." He mumbled, into her neck.
💗: no it's not the end. It's just a confession, there's alot more to go lmao 😭😭😭

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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