In a dystopian world where hybrids have only been living in modern society for a century, cat hybrid Lee Minho loses his father, the only authoritarian figure in his life. Being a lone omega, Minho was no longer allowed a place in society. With everything he once loved gone, he tries his best to find a new life in the government facility named Paradise.
Main Characters who are residents of Paradise:
Han Jisung: alpha, Red Squirrel hybrid. Sent: coffee. Age: 19. In Paradise because the government offered him money.
Lee Minho: omega, Domestic Ragdoll Cat hybrid. Scent: vanilla. Age: 21. In Paradise because of his father's death.
Hwang Hyunjin: omega, Amur Leopard hybrid. Scent: coconut and sea salt. Age: 19. In Paradise because the government offered him money.
Yang Jeongin: alpha, Amur Leopard hybrid. Scent: mint. Age: 18. In Paradise because the government offered him money.
Main characters who are workers in Paradise:
Kim Mihae (Original Character): beta, Domestic Border Collie. Scent: muted coconut. Age: 28. Job: residential manager. She takes care of her assigned residents. Ensuring they abide by their contract and provide them with proper medical care.
Bang Chan: alpha, Eurasian Wolf hybrid. Scent: pink pepper and vanilla. Age: 22. Job: quality control manager. He ensures and maintains the morale and quality of life inside Paradise.
Kim Seungmin: beta, Domestic Golden Retriever. Scent: muted oranges. Age: 19. Job: part-time floor staff. He runs events in Paradise.
Main Characters who do not live in Paradise:
Lee Felix: omega, Domestic Bengal Cat hybrid. Scent: vanilla and jasmine. Age: 19. Mated to Seo Changbin.
Seo Changbin: beta, Tamworth Pig-Hutslander hybrid. Scent: lavender. Age: 20. He was born in Paradise.
Author's Note
Found You on the Other Side of Paradise is a cross-platform one-shot/book. I originally wrote this as a one-shot on AO3 . However, I feel the concept of one-shots is different between AO3 and Wattpad. So, I decided to turn the Wattpad version into a chaptered book to better cater to Wattpad users/readers. I want to stress to readers that this book has not been beta read. Feel free to make corrections and leave criticism. I'm currently trying to improve my writing. And while my writing is better than it was three years ago, it is nowhere near perfect. I hope everyone enjoys this book as much as I did. This book is within a creative domain. I would love to see others branch off of this work and am happy to share this concept idea with others. Now, as always, pour yourself a glass of wine and lay out your cheese board. We are going to have a wild night full of hurt, comfort, romantic fluff, family fluff, and much more. Enjoy.
Found You on the Other Side of Paradise by squirrelyesme
Posted by original author on AO3 and Wattpad.
Total Word count: 20,020
Found You on the Other Side of Paradise | Minsung
FanfictionIn a dystopian world where hybrids have only been living in modern society for a century, cat hybrid Lee Minho loses his father, the only authoritarian figure in his life. Being a lone omega, Minho was no longer allowed a place in society. With ever...