Chapter 1: Boy and Shinigami

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Quick A/N: This story may be god awful (pa dum shh), like my others, but I thought I'd put on here anyway. If you like it, tell me.

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Both males lay on their shared bed. Having just completed their intercourse, both were covered in sweat. The self appointed god sat up. He ran his fingers through his hair and stood up, making his way to the connected bathroom. He disappeared into the room for a moment then popped back out throwing a rag at his boyfriend who still lay panting, then went back into the bathroom.
This didn't phase M/N in the least. This happened almost every time the two had sex. Light never wanted to help wipe off M/N; he found that cleaning his boyfriend was better spent cleaning the world. M/N didn't find it rude, if anything, he agreed with Light. He knew that being Kira and fixing the world was both important and time consuming. He was just happy that Light made some time for him. It may not be a lot of time, but it was enough. And, as long as M/N could make Light happy or help him in anyway, that was enough.
M/N took the rag and wiped himself off. He then threw the rag into the dirty laundry basket across the room. After locating his boxers, M/N laid down, exhausted and ready for sleep.
Light opened the bathroom door a bit to see his boyfriend's back facing the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror, a blank expression on his face. Ryuk could be seen in the background. Light sighed and rubbed his temples.
"Hmm? What's wrong Light?" Ryuk asked. "The sex not good?"
Light shook his head. "That's not it. The sex was great, like usual."
"Then what is it?"
"Honestly, it's annoying. Pretending that I like him. He's annoying and just gets in the way. He takes up too much time. The only reason I started dating him was so I could use him for sex and relieve myself," Light admitted to the shinigami.
"Why not just use a hooker?" Ryuk suggested.
"I'd have to fine one every time I wanted to relieve myself. With M/N, he's always there and willing to have sex with me without argument," Light explained.
Ryuk just hummed in understanding.
Meanwhile, back on the bed, the subject of Light's conversation, was awake, ears picking up every word his boyfriend said to his shinigami.
Honestly, M/N wasn't surprised. He lightly rubbed his forearms, feeling the slight linear elevations on his skin. He knew Light was right. He agreed with him. He thought he was bringing Light happiness, but it seemed he was just in the way, a burden.
Light exited the bathroom wearing boxers. He made his way to his side of the bed and laid down. M/N waited to hear his breathing pattern to change, indicating he was asleep.
M/N then sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Using the moonlight from the window, the male held out his arms and observed the scars on his arms and thighs. Letting out a sigh, he traced over his most recent marks from 3 months ago. He stopped adding once Light asked him to be his boyfriend and forbade him from hurting himself anymore.
Light claimed that no harm should come to his body. He told M/N that he accepted the current scars as a part of his past and who he was, but he couldn't handle the thought of more being added, of him being in pain.
M/N laughed softly and bitterly at the memory, realizing that Light didn't really care. It was just an act. While he should be mad, it actually made him happy.
A light smile appeared on his lips. Light spent his energy making M/N feel better about himself and his life, even if it was for his own gain. M/N's smile quickly faded. If he was doing more bad than good for Light, then he needed to leave. M/N's own happiness didn't matter. Not to him. Not to Light. Not to anyone.
"Shinigami," M/N called out to the god of death he knew was present in the room but not visible to him. "I know you may not care, but I'm telling you any way."
Ryuk stood in front of the human, listening to what he was about to say. Sure, Ryuk can't communicate with the male and the male couldn't see him, but Ryuk had gotten slightly attached to him. He had become acustom to his presence, and even enjoyed it more than he'd care to admit.
"I'm leaving. Tomorrow," M/N spoke.
The shinigami couldn't believe his ears. Why? What was the reason?
"I know I'm nothing but a burden to Light. An annoyance. A nuisance. I heard him in the bathroom. I wasn't asleep," M/N stated. He looked over his shoulder at the soon to be ex-boyfriend of his. "The only person I care about is Light."
He reached his hand out towards the sleeping male's head only to stop it a few inches away from his hair. He wanted deeply to run his fingers through Light's soft brown tresses. However, he couldn't bear the thought of tainting Light with his touch, something he now knew he viewed as an annoyance, a disruption, an irritation, a burden, a hassle, despite having tainted it before unknowingly.
He brought his hand back to himself.
"I don't even care about myself," M/N admitted with dull eyes. "I'm only alive to aid Light and see him discover his happiness." He stared at Light. "If my death would help him achieve that," he paused for a moment. "then so be it. I'll die for him. Without hesitation." His voice was nothing but a whisper as he spoke to the invisible being.
Ryuk watched as the awake male turned his body back around in line with his legs that dangled off his side of the bed. The boy's head was hung, his bangs casting a shadow over his eyes. M/N's hands gripped the edge of the mattress on both sides of him.
It was silent. It was almost as if Ryuk was watching a silent film. Then he saw it.
A small twinkle appeared in his eyesight. A moment later, another appeared.
It happened like rain. It began with a few individual sparkles, each distanced from one another by some seconds.
At first, it confused the shinigami, but without warning, the amount of individual glimmers increased. He looked closer, eyes widening at what his discovery.
The twinkles came from the moonlight that beamed softly through the window hitting the tears that fell from M/N's face.
Ryuk had only witnessed it once before in his time on Earth, but the boy's tears reminded him of rain. It started out as a light sprinkle only to surprise those who didn't mind the occasional drop when it morphed into a torrential downpour and drench everyone caught in it. It was as if the small drizzle at the beginning was the cloud letting go of a small weight. It only changed into the relentless storm because that small release just caused the cloud to gain more water and burden it with a weight heavier than it could contain. This caused the cloud to dump its weight on the tan ground below it and generate lake sized puddles that caused its red garnishes to sting. All the while, the cloud avoided the person it once shaded from the harsh and violent rays of the sun.
Ryuk suddenly felt his dead heart writhe in pain. Was it because he knew why M/N was crying? Because he knows M/N will no longer be with Light in the new world he was to create? Or was it because the sight of the human in this kind of pain in such an abundance, put himself through pain?
Whatever the reason was, the god of death felt obligated to allow the boy to witness what he looked like and who he was. The boy was leaving tomorrow, and he'd never see him again. M/N wasn't going to tell anyone about Light being Kira or about shinigamis, so this wouldn't hurt.
Ryuk moved over to Light's jacket. He bent down and grabbed the white wallet from a pocket. He looked back at the male to see him still crying. The death god pulled out the small piece of paper that light had ripped from the notebook and kept in his wallet. He sat the wallet down and moved back in front of M/N.
Hesitantly, the shinigami slowly waved the paper under the boy's head, making sure he would notice.
Upon seeing the floating scrap of paper, M/N lifted his head a bit and moved backwards to observe the paper better. Suddenly the paper moved away from him.
Ryuk held the paper in the air and waved the hand that held the paper.
M/N watched the paper float in the air and moved side to side. The paper then moved closer to him. It stopped moving a few inches in front of his chest before it finally touched his bare chest.
The boy watched as the paper seemed to gain a hand, then an arm. M/N followed the rapidly appearing arm as it connected to a body. He then looked up and noticed a creature with yellow and red eyes staring at him.
Ryuk moved his hand away from the boy and stared silently back at him.
"Shinigami," M/N muttered.
"The name's Ryuk. I'm the shinigami who owned the death note Light uses," Ryuk informed briefly. The boy just nodded his head, unphased by this unusual situation he was in.
"You said you're leaving tomorrow. I figured I might as well show myself to you," Ryuk stated with a soft chuckle.
"So you were listening," M/N inquired, his voice now bland. His dull, empty, fish like E/C eyes looked into the never blinking ones of Ryuk. The tears streaks on his cheeks didn't bother him in the slightest.

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