Chapter 7: Confrontaion

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A/N: I only posted this 6 hours ago and 27 people have at least viewed this. I'm honored. Thanks guys.

Walking in, Light found pretty much what he expected to find. Shelves upon shelves upon shelves, with boxes upon boxes upon boxes. The only sound he heard was the buzzing of the high voltage tube lights that hung from ceiling.
    He felt his phone buzz.

    Keep going straight till you hit a forklift. Then turn right.

As he read, a second message popped up.

    You'll see the bathrooms on the wall you walk towards. When you get there take a left down the hallway next to the woman's restroom. Then go right. Walk down and enter the room.

    Light continued walking as he read, something he suddenly remembered M/N had trouble with. Only needing to read the directions once, thanks to his memory, he put his phone away.
    I took him a minute or so to reach the yellow and black forklift. It was still in its lifting position, about 3/4 of the way up, a crate sitting on it. He knew, despite not ever using one, that it wasn't protocol to leave a forklift like that, especially when it's holding something. It being left that way with no one manning it meant that whoever was using it left in a hurry, or were forced against their will.
    Tearing his eyes away from the vehicle, Light turned to his right per the directions given.
    Something that he suddenly thought about was why M/N picked the location he did. First he questioned if his 'boyfriend' did actually pick it for the cliché. But that thought quickly disappeared as he remembered that he didn't really care for that kind of stuff.
    Could it have been the closest to where M/N was staying? That was a possibility but it did feel like the right one.
    The only other thing he could come up with was that M/N knew the place or someone who worked here. Again, another reasonable answer, but Light knew everyone that the other knew. Going through his mental rolodex ( no one came close to having an occupation having to do with warehouse working.
    Well, he was forced to give up on that train of thought as he neared the bathrooms. He was about to turn left but stopped when he noticed that there was actually a hallway in the same indentation as the two bathrooms were in.
    He thanked his eye and entered the short hallway before having to almost immediately turn right. With somewhat quickened steps, he moved towards the door at the end.
      Just like at the entrance of the warehouse, Light froze once he placed his hand on the handle. He found himself quivering.
    What was wrong with him?
    Biting his inner lip the hardest he ever had, he was able to snap out of whatever funk he was in and opened. He stepped in and closed the door before settling his eyes on the person in the room.

    It was M/N, but he was different.

    Dark puffy bags rested under his eyes, a stark contrast to his s/t skin now a a shade lighter from lack of care. The man's E/C eyes, dead and empty, gained a certain shine and twinkle to them as they gazed at the person he loved. His form was wrapped in a black hoodie and torn black jeans, his H/C was unkempt and looked like it hadn't been washed in days.
    "Hello Light," M/N spoke. The musicians voice was dry and would be empty if not for the lingering sound of love that came from him as he spoke. "Don't worry about cameras, I turned them and audio off."
    Said man gave a minute flinch at the greeting. He was used to being addressed as "love" when they greeted each other. It felt weird to be called anything else.
    Silently, M/N held out a piece of paper. His sheet from the death note. A soft smile sat on his lips as he watched Light move closer.
    Kira's eyes flickered towards the shinigami in the corner of the room. He watched him as he got closer to the other human.
    Returning his gaze to M/N, he looked him in eyes, looking for answers to the whole situation. Not getting anywhere, Light looked down and took the sheet of paper.

God's Servant (Light Yagami x Depressed! Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now