Fight: commence

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Elijah is woken up by a phone call from Ray, his hand stretches over to the phone as he yawns and accepts the call "What the hell is it?" He asks Ray in a huff.

"There's a monster rampaging through district 1, get the hell over here and help us" loud crashes and car sirens are heard in the background.

"On my way!" Elijah hangs up and throws his jacket on grabbing the axe at his door. "How the fuck is it 10:30!?" He rolls his eyes and brushes his teeth before running out to district 1.


When he arrives everyone is panicking and some are trapped under rubble of broken buildings as the massive monster storms through the district.

"Shit..." He looks at the piles of bodies and blood over the road, all the arms and eaten corpses terrify him as he grasps his axe tighter.

"HEY YOU!" He yells at the monster, grabbing it's attention as he tries not to throw up. "COME OVER HERE!" Elijah's eyes dart around and see Koji laying on the floor with a hole through his eye.

"Koji hang in there! I've got this" The monsters arm crashes down near Elijah and he jumps onto it's hand running up it's arm as fast as he can, his axe trailing through it's tough skin.

Elijah runs up to its neck and hacks at the back of its head
"DIE!" He keeps slicing to no avail, the monster grabs him and throws him in its mouth.

"What..." He slashes at it as he slides down to its stomach. Koji watches in horror holding in tears.


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