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"Holy shit...thats the bird that attacked us, right?" Lev asks me with a shaky voice as he stares down at the poor bird. I nod and squat down to get closer to the bird. Even if it was a little shit it didn't deserve to die.

"Poor baby.." I rip off a bit of my thigh-high and wrap it around what was left of the animal. I pick up the bundle and held it to my chest.

The boy next to me frowns and wrap his arms around me gently. "Do you wanna bury it?" A soft whimper leaves my mouth and I nod weakly. He walks me back to my house and into my backyard with the small pond behind my house.

We find a good spot and Lev digs a hole about two feet deep with his hands. I place the bird in its grave and cover its body with dirt. Lev pulls me closer and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Ya still wanna get the eggs?" I force a smile and wipe my face, not caring about the makeup I ruined. After returning from the store I take two eggs from the carton and crack them on the side of the metal bowl containing the cupcake batter.

The green eyed boy loomed over me to see the batter and stares intently at the whisk I'm using to stir. I finish mixing the batter and pour it into the cupcake tray.

"Can I lick the bowl..." Lev whispers and I giggle and hand it to him. "Not to much you'll get sick." He nods excitedly and gets to work. I start making the frosting while Lev stares at the cupcake thought the open window.

"Did you eat all the batter?" "Um...maybe" I smack his head lightly. "Dumbass" He rubs his head and frowns. Ten minutes later the oven starts beeping. Lev opens the oven and grabs the tray, forgetting to use oven mits, and places the try on the counter before dropping to the floor in pain.

"LEV OH MY GOD- YOU DUMBASS LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS!!" I hold the underside of his hands and examine his palms. Large blisters are spread across his large hands and I furrow my eyebrows in worry.

"I'll be right back. Run your hands under cold water until I get back, Ok?" He nods and smiles at me. I feel my face flush and go to get a first aid kit.

~the next day~

Lev and I walk to practice together while I help mentally prepare him to explain that he can't play until his hands are healed. I push open the door to the gym and smile at the team. "Heyyyy guyyyysssss...." Lev says nervously.

"Jesus Christ..youre late again Lev." Yaku frowns and gets ready to slap him. "Wait! Lev burnt his hands really bad..he can't practice until they heal." Yaku's eyes widen and he groans. "Fuck..we can't play without all of our blockers." Kuroo, who I Haden't noticed, walks up and smiles.

"Ya did play middle blocker at your old school, right L/n~?"

total control yandere kenma x reader x yandere kurooWhere stories live. Discover now