Chapter 3: What Lies Behind Eyes continued

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After the heated conversation with Junior, Ginger stalked into their room harshly shutting the door with no care. She had yet to think straight regarding her judgment on the situation so whatever she did, it didn't matter.

After standing awkwardly in the room drowning in her own embarrassment she realized she meant to go to the bathroom. A low groan of frustration left her mouth and she waited a few seconds making sure Junior wasn't coming up before her. After a moment she turned the knob, exiting the room and going to the bathroom, closing that door, and locking it.

"This is so fucking annoying, I'm literally going to get violent," She said in annoyance. She turned on the faucet, then made a seat on the edge of the bathtub going to call her best friend, Kelly.

Awaiting for not even a minute, she received a pickup. "What in the hell, is going on now." Kelly said. Ginger paused. Even she's annoyed? Great.

"Hello? I've been waiting like two hours c'mon!" Her friend said growing impatient.

Ginger had a habit of resisting to tell the truth, especially when it was a big thing to tell. "Well it's a lot. . .of news."

"I don't care! You don't have to tell me all just tell me what's the big deal."

"Okay but here's a warning. The 'news', I'm going to tell you means information and this information means action and action basically means death." Ginger exaggerated. Really exaggerated. Kelly heavily sighed. "Do you want me to hang up."

"No damn! I'm just kidding but really, just keep quiet, 'cause this is like some real top-secret shit." Ginger whispered. She looked at the door and held the phone close. "So here's what happened. Don't get mad but I got like. . .like fired from my job."

Kelly scoffed. "Your job."


"Ginger I'm not even going to. . .first of all how?"

"The reason is not important right now but I, I need to tell Junior so he'll quit questioning me! I want to but I can't."

"Hold on this is that, uh," Kelly snapped her fingers trying to think. "That service job?"

"Yea. . .which means no work tomorrow. Tomorrow! How am i going to explain that to Junior? I already pissed him off and if i wouldn't have woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning maybe i wouldn't have bust my damn head, got fired and had some common sense right now so just. .just do me a favor and bare with me." Ginger ranted feeling her frustration flare up. Her heart knew how to handle the situation but some insurance wouldn't hurt.

Kelly went quiet over the phone. Shocked at first, but preparing her response and the more she thought, the more she found it funny. She had a burst of laughter. Even though this was considered a serious matter to Ginger, Kelly found the worry in her friend's voice a little too humorous.

Ginger wasn't surprised but after seconds she became fed up. "This. Is. Not. Funny." Ginger said sternly, sarcasm lingering in her tone.

"Sorry okay, I. .uh heres what I'll tell you for the best and I know this is cliché but you gotta say something to him."

"Great advice, no."

"You guys have been in a relationship for what. . two years? I know how this will play out and once you get your ass handed to you imma sit here and laugh like a bitch."

"Like you aren't already one."

Kelly hissed in hurt. "So mean."

"Well you're supposed to help! And if you were in this situation you wouldn't be so confident." Ginger whisper yelled.

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