Chapter 6: Over a Counter

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Junior pulls up to the small restaurant they reserved a spot in for today. It was a traditional Tahoe restaurant, two stories big with a large sign wrapped around the front. Junior looked over to his girlfriend and caught her staring at it in awe. "This place is beautiful isn't it?"

"So beautiful.." Ginger answers.

"Come on, let's get inside."

He nudged the door open and waited for her to pass in front of him. Following her into the dining hall they were approached by a smiling staff member.

"Welcome! How many in your party this afternoon?"

He answers right away. "Only two."

The lady directed them to an area next to a large window. You could see people and families walking close by, eating or entering stores. A line of sunlight beamed right on the table.

There wasn't many people in the facility, but a lot of open buffet-like areas for food. They sat down and viewed over the entire menu packed with filling and expensive foods.

Junior glanced over the menu for a few minutes and knew his decision.

"I'll probably get a steak, you?" He said laying the menu down. He intertwined his hands together studying Ginger who'd still been searching.

"I'm not sure."

The menu had a variety of options and seeing her difficulty choosing, he figured he would probably need to help her.

"Do you like steak?"

She shook her head.


Her face scrunched up in disgust. "Ew."

"Hmm, such a kid."

"You wouldn't really expect me to get lamb! It's nasty and it's red meat, about grilled cheese."

"By itself?" He asked reading over the menu.

"Yeah and look at the price. Six ninety nine for bread and cheese while it's ten ninety nine for lamb." She said a disgusted voice. Junior smiled and shook his head.

"You don't have to worry about the price sil." He moved his gaze down to the bottom of the menu. "Do you want...tomato soup too? As a side?"

Ginger nodded knowing her love for grilled cheese doesn't fail with soup. Viewing the sides her eye also caught the drinks labeled in a separate box.

Usually she goes with a simple water, as well as Junior, but after scanning the menu's options from top to bottom it'd be in place to get something different.

"Check this out."

Ginger flipped the menu over to show him the drinks. "Right here. The Tahoe Wine Collective sounds great, let's do it."

He took it and read the label she pointed out.

"It's almost past lunch. You really want this?" He asked. He didn't want to be the party pooper knowing there were on vacation. Junior gave her the menu back.

"Yes and we can pick together."

A waiter lurked around the area, soon making her way to their table. She walked towards their table with a warm smile.

"Good afternoon, my name is Emelyn and I will be your server for today. Are you all ready?"

They nodded our heads, returning with, 'yes'. Junior ordered the food and drinks, adding on appetizers. After, the waiter began collecting the menus.

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