Where once bloomed

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In the garden of love, a storm did brew, 

Where once bloomed roses, now thorns anew.

 A symphony of whispers, a lover's lament, 

In the wreckage of dreams, heartbreak's descent.

Silken threads of trust, woven delicate and fine, 

Shattered in fragments, like porcelain design. 

Eyes that once sparkled, are now mirrors of pain, 

In the gallery of heartbreak, a haunting refrain.

Moonlit promises, written in the night sky,

 Now fading echoes, as love said goodbye. 

A tapestry of memories, woven in despair, 

Each thread is a reminder of a love so rare.

Echoes of laughter,  now swallowed by tears,

 In the garden of solitude, a heart perseveres. 

Fingers trace the scars, etched on the soul, 

Love's bitter ending, taking its toll.

Whispers of longing, carried by the wind, 

A heartbreak symphony, where sorrows begin.

 Puzzle pieces scattered, a love undone,

In the painting of heartbreak, shadows overrun.

The ache of silence, the absence of a touch, 

A love story rewritten, by fate's cruel clutch. 

Embers of passion reduced to ash, 

In the ruins of love, where echoes clash.

Promises like petals, withered and frail, 

A love once vibrant, now an untold tale.

 I am mourning the melody, an unsung song,

 In the labyrinth of heartbreak, where echoes hung.

Fading footprints on the shore of regret,

In the alchemy of heartbreak, love and pain beget. 

A requiem for a love that couldn't withstand, 

In the hallowed halls of heartbreak, where shadows expand.

A cascade of tears, a river of grief, 

In the portrait of heartbreak, a poignant motif.

Yet within the wreckage, a phoenix may rise, 

A wounded heart, still seeking love's skies.

For in the tapestry of time, wounds may heal,

And the broken heart may once more feel. 

In the aftermath of heartbreak, a chance to restart,

 To mend the fragments, and heal the heart.


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