Chapter 34

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Jungkook pov

I completed the call and went inside the room to see the room empty.

I looked around and saw y/n in the balcony standing alone.

I smiled looking at her.

I started recording a video on my mobile and put it at a place so it can properly record her.

I went behind her and she doesn't seem to notice me.

I slowly wrapped my hands around her waist and put my head on her shoulder.

She is my comfort place.

Just being with her can make me more than happy.

I always thought that I will be with a Korean girl who understands me and will be able to understand my idol life.

But I guess God had some different plans.

I never even imagined I will meet y/n.

She just... Happened.

She is the light of my life.

I can't seem to have the words to express how much I love her.

I never imagined that I will get a girl like after being an idol.

I always thought that I will not have dream love life but with her, it is more surreal than dream.

I can do anything for her at this moment.

I always thought that in a relationship, it's always the boy who dies everything for a girl but it is not like that.

She does so many things for me too.

She makes me feel special.

She makes me feel at ease and I can always be myself in front of her without thinking twice.

I know she will never judge me for anything and she will always support me and be there for me.

Sometimes I feel like I am not doing enough for her but then she is always there making me feel happy by my surprises which I give her.

And not to mention the surprises I receive from her side.

I know we both are from different countries and our cultures and languages are different too.

But it was never a problem for me.

I always fall for her, even for a billionth time.

I cannot even imagine a life without her now.

She is my life support.

I sometimes think that matches are surely made in heaven only.

Cause the way she fits perfectly in my arms and the way our hands perfectly interwine with each other.

The way I have a mole under my lips and she also has a mole under her lips.

After the Indian wedding, I heard her mom saying saying something to her that now we are stuck with each other for the next seven lives.

I am lucky to keep having her in every life of mine.

Cause afterall, we both are made for each other.

I never knew I would just marry the love of my life without dating her. But trust me, it is more than perfect.

I cannot ask anything else from God if I have her with me.

She took my hand in her hands and kissed them, making me feel butterflies.

She then turned around.

My hands around her waist and her hands on my neck.

I looked at her and a smile immediately came on my face.

She looked at me and smiled back.

Oh God! Her eyes are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

She have the most alluring eyes.

We both just looking at each other with a little smile on our faces.

I picked her up from the ground and a light gasp left her mouth.

She put my hands around my neck in the fear of falling down.

She looked at me and I was looking at her only, with a smile.

I gently kissed her forehead.

I slowly took her inside and laid her inside, on the bed.

I went and closed the door of the balcony and came and sat beside her.

She was just looking at me with those starry eyes again.

Gosh! I love this girl so much.

"I love you."

I couldn't help but say it. I gave her a small smile at the end.

I really love this girl so much.

End of jungkook pov


Hey sweeties!

Here is jungkook version now.

I hope you liked it. 

Your author has her exams starting from day after tomorrow.

So yeah, she is going to disappear for some days.

But don't worry, regular updates will be there.

Btw, this book is nearing its end. After around 10 chapters, the book is finally over.

(Trust me, no one else will be more happy than me when this book finishes. Afterall, the book is getting boring.)

Take care of yourselves! Love y'all!💜

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