Chapter 194 - The Man in the Trap

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When Fu Yan, the man in the pit, rushed past the guard, his steps did not stop at all, and even sped up.

He only has one minute, so he can rush as much as he can. If something happens within this minute, he can use the watch given by Suyak to go back in time. This is Fu Yan's biggest reliance on rushing forward recklessly.

But you can only go back a minute at most, so you have to hurry up.

When Fu Yan actually stood in front of the cave entrance, he realized that what was in front of him was not an ordinary, shallow cave, but a dark tunnel of unknown depth and with no end in sight. He didn't hesitate, passed the guard, and was running quickly. The tunnel was winding and only wide enough for two or three people to pass through. Fu Yan bowed his head and kept walking. Seeing that there seemed to be no light ahead, Fu Yan took out a torch and rushed forward.

He occasionally glanced at his watch, and the second hand was beating every tick. Fortunately, the second hand had just completed half a circle, and Fu Yan had already reached the "end point".

Even though it was only a short time, Fu Yan was aware of his speed. He probably ran about fifty meters. Such a deep natural cave is really difficult for outsiders to find - it is simply an excellent holy place for tantric practices.

When Fu Yan first arrived here, he didn't realize that this was the end. He just noticed the sudden change in the echo of footsteps, the lack of light from the fire, and... a strong odor that was hard to describe.

So Fu Yan stopped subconsciously.

When he stood at the entrance of this space, waving the torch and turning around half a circle, he realized that this place was really unique. He saw a strange tall shadow in the depths beyond the reach of the firelight, but he couldn't tell what it was. He probably had to get closer and use the light to see clearly.

He also found a bracket stuck on the ground next to him, with an extinguished torch on it. Fu Yan tried to light it with his hand, and it actually ignited.

It seems that this place is actually well ventilated, and the airflow is probably blowing from the tunnel into the space, so the disgusting smell will not spread into the tunnel.

With the blessing of two torches, Fu Yan's eyes suddenly became clear.

This is a very large space, the height suddenly becomes two or three meters, and the widest part may reach 20 meters. The scariest thing is that there is a big hole in the middle of this place. The hole is seven or eight meters wide at its widest point. At first glance, it seems so dark that you can't see the bottom. If Fu Yan had been running forward at high speed just now, he would most likely have fallen down now.

Fu Yan glanced at his watch and saw that there were about ten seconds left. But he knew there was no rush at this time, so he could only grit his teeth and approach slowly while maintaining a high level of vigilance.

The closer you get, the worse the smell becomes. Fu Yan might not have understood what it smelled like before, but now he realized it - it smelled like dead bodies!

It's not just the smell of fresh blood or blood, but the rotten smell that has been stewed for a long time. Especially when Fu Yan poked his head in for the first time, he almost fainted from the smell coming up from below.

But he still endured it, holding the torch and looking down carefully.

At this sight, Fu Yan's brows furrowed even more tightly.

There are actually... crowds of people down here!

Under about ten meters, there were densely packed layers of people, or human-shaped things, lying on top of each other! The fire couldn't reach the depths, so Fu Yan couldn't see clearly, and he wasn't sure whether all the people below were dead. But in the dim light, he could also tell clearly that those bodies were not tall and looked like they were all of the stature of children. You can find them from as small as less than one meter to as large as a teenager.

Fu Yan didn't know how many children had been selected for this Mother's Day, but he had an inexplicable feeling that so many children's corpses were definitely not something that could be accomplished in one human sacrifice. After all, when he walked around Shengxi Village, he had a good idea of ​​the size of the village. Calculating the approximate number of households and children based on the floor area, plus there is a lottery process, it is impossible to sacrifice dozens of children at one time, right?

But when he thought that this was probably a mountain of corpses left over from various Marian festivals and human sacrifices, Fu Yan felt cold in his heart.

Soon, he saw a figure who was obviously not a child near the pit.

The body shape is obviously more like that of an adult, and the clothes are also similar. But isn't this a mass grave of children? Why are you an adult?

The figure of a boy who looked exactly like Fan Xiangyi flashed through Fu Yan's mind.

Fu Yan thought of his suspicions about the boy, and the key question was how he escaped from the hands of adults. He thought he would see the answer in the cave, but now that he saw the scene, Fu Yan's doubts became even deeper.

The boy said there were two guards, but Fu Yan only saw one when he came in. The other one...maybe the one under the pit.

The boy also said that the guards were all asleep, but neither Jing Lei nor Fu Yan's footsteps could wake up the guards. Is there any point in guarding? Fu Yan thought of the overturned kettle next to the guard and the posture of the one under the pit, and felt that they might not just be asleep.

The most important thing is that now all the children, dead or alive, are motionless in that pit. That did he escape? Even if he woke up from the pit, how could he climb such a high pit wall?

Intellectually, Fu Yan knew very well that the boy was absolutely extraordinary; but emotionally, Fu Yan just couldn't resist and doubt the boy.

There is suspicion, but not to the extent that he suspects that he is going to be detrimental to himself. Fu Yan also knew that his attitude was wrong, but he couldn't be strict with the child for some reason. He felt that he might have been possessed by something evil.

He subconsciously touched the necklace pendant around his neck.

——The necklace that can only be said to be "annoying" also works well for children who look exactly like him.

Fu Yan got up and walked deeper into the cave holding the torch.

Anyway, it has been more than a minute. The guard doesn't know whether he is alive or dead now, so he might as well take the opportunity to take a closer look.

There is a large open space here, with several torch holders placed on the side. And in the middle of these supports, against the stone wall, a huge statue of a god stands here.

It is a stone statue of the Virgin Mary.

With the base, she is approximately three meters tall. Maybe it's because the material of the stone makes carving more difficult, or maybe because the stone statue was made a long time ago, it doesn't look as delicate as those wood carvings. She does not have a veil shape that can reveal the lines of her cheeks, and the overall look is relatively rough, and even the sculptures of her face and skirt are not very detailed. But she looks very divine. The simple lines have a certain freehand brushwork, and it feels like it was made by the hand of a master sculptor.

Fu Yan held the torch high and looked at her face. The face with closed eyes that could only be seen from below, with some heavy shadows, seemed calm at first glance, but after looking at it for two seconds... it felt like I couldn't move my eyes away.

That face is obviously not as exquisite as the wood carvings, but it is more attractive than those wood carvings. Looking at her, it seems that I can gradually forget my worries and chaotic thoughts, and completely calm down. At this moment, the spirit seemed to break away from the shackles of the body and float to a higher place...

- No!

Fu Yan's head suddenly buzzed and he suddenly came back to his senses.

There is something wrong with this idol!

Fu Yan was about to check further, and even took out Ke Xinya's pen, preparing to give the statue a touch, when he suddenly heard movement from the direction of the tunnel. He didn't even bother to identify what it was. He just quickly poked the torch into the small water-filled pit next to it and put it out, and then hid directly behind the statue.

After a while, someone came in holding a torch!

Fu Yan huddled under the pedestal behind the statue, not daring to poke his head out to look. He just judged by the sound of footsteps and guessed that there were about five or six people coming. They were talking as they came in, and Fu Yan heard a male voice say: "Why isn't the third son of the Li family here? Did he run back and hide while Chen Li was sleeping?"

"No way? You see the torch is still on. Shouldn't you put out the torch when he leaves?" Another voice replied, "Maybe he just went out to pee. He will be back later." "But

when we came up I didn't see him, how could he run so far just to relieve himself?"

"Then people respect the Virgin Mother and walk far away, which is not normal..."

Another person asked: "Now, what do you do with this Zhao Jinhua? Now Let her drink abortion pills?"

When Fu Yan heard this, he realized that Zhao Jinhua was still captured.

But when she was brought, was she to be directly sacrificed whole, or was the child to be taken out...

As if to answer his question, someone answered the question of the person in front.

"Of course not. Didn't you hear the village chief say that these 'offerings' must arrive at the Virgin Mary at the same time?" Another person replied, "When the water in the pit rises, let her get the fetus out, directly Send them to the pit. This way the Holy Mother can receive the 'offerings' at the same time."

Fu Yan roughly understood what they meant based on the context.

In other words, the children in the pit are not dead yet, they are just stunned and asleep. Later, the water in the funeral pit will rise and drown all these people. In this way, the "human sacrifice" will be completed.

The fetus in Zhao Jinhua's belly has not yet formed, and it will definitely be stillborn, so when the water rises, the fetus must be removed directly and thrown into the pit.

These tantric cultists are really...!

Fu Yan pinched his fingers and listened to those people say: "In this case, let's throw her here first. Don't let the rope loose, and feed her some holy water to let her sleep, so as not to waste energy here... Mr. Li Three?!"

"What?" Other people's voices also sounded, mixed with the sound of footsteps, "Why did Li Laosan fall in?!"

Fu Yan thought to himself, and sure enough, the second guard was in the pit.

"Li Lao San! Li Lao San!" the villagers shouted, "I can't wake him up, what's going on?"

"Did he fall and get injured?" Another person said, "Hurry up and find a ladder to save him!"

"Is this... okay?" Some people were hesitating, "This is the place where the Virgin Mary lives. People who go down can never come up. If you build a ladder, will it offend the Virgin Mary..." "

But the Virgin Mary never wants it. Adults, if it were Li Laosan... wouldn't the Holy Mother be angry?!" Someone retorted, "Well, let's go back and ask the village chief to see what he decides!" "

Isn't the village chief leading people to solve the problem? Those foreigners? I don't know if they're back."

"It's okay, the water will rise until tomorrow evening. The Virgin's Day and the Virgin Mary's collection of 'offerings' have to be in the evening, right? Then we'll ask again when the village chief comes back. It's not too late."

"But if he stays in there for too long, it's also disrespectful to the Holy Mother..." "

In any case, it's right to go back and notify him as soon as possible. Someone needs to be replaced to guard him. If Chen Li can't wake him up, , then we have to change two people."

"What's going on with Chen Li? I slapped him on the face so hard just now. Isn't he drunk?" "

I think they drank too much together, and then Chen Li As soon as he couldn't wake up, Li Laosan missed his footing and fell in."

"Should we leave someone to guard him first, and then go back to the village and see who will take his place?"

"This is the only way. Zhao Jinhua is still here, so we have to Leave someone to watch her..."

Fu Yan felt bad as he listened. If they have someone staying, it won't be that simple if they want to get out.

But everything will never go as planned in this world, not to mention this is the world of horror games. Fu Yan couldn't help but add up when he heard that they really left one person behind and the rest had left.

He took out the pocket watch in his arms.

The person who was left to guard was walking around the cave, sometimes shouting "Li Lao San! Li Lao San! Wake up!" into the pit, and sometimes walking in silence. After a while, he suddenly said: "Oh, you are so pitiful, but who asked the village chief's child to be named? I will take out the cloth from your mouth, don't shout. Anyway, you drank the medicine, wait He fell asleep immediately and couldn't run away."

A few seconds later, Zhao Jinhua's weak voice sounded: "...Why on earth...are you doing this? My child is not even born yet, why don't you give us a mother and son? A way out...?!"

"You can't say that, your child was called by the Holy Mother to be with her, not at our request." The guard said, his tone a little excited, "This is the first time I know the Holy Mother. You should be happy that the empress can actually appear. This is the glory of the old Liu family!"

"Apparition? What kind of manifestation?" Zhao Jinhua sneered, "Isn't it just you drawing lots with those dolls..."

"Not this time!" The guard retorted, "This time it is the Virgin Mary who came down to earth to appear as a saint, but she personally ordered it for your Liu family!"

"What?" Zhao Jinhua said, "I don't understand, what does 'personally order' mean...?"

"Alas. , stupid foreigners." The guard said, "Then I will tell you the scene of the Holy Mother's apparition today, so that you can understand that this is a favor given to you by the Queen, and you must be willing..." Fu

Yan listened to him If so, I couldn't help but look up at... the back of the statue.

——This statue will appear holy... BOSS himself? !

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