Chapter 192 - The Silent Boy

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Because although Xie Anna tried hard to cover her mouth, the scream in shock still rolled out of her throat, so the other three people heard Xie Anna's words. . But it was dark after the lightning. In order not to be discovered by the villagers, they covered the lamp with their coats and could not illuminate a place two steps away. Therefore, even if they stared into the dark woods with their eyes wide open, it would be difficult to see the figure Xie Anna mentioned.

"Could it be those children from Shengxi Village?"

"I don't know, I didn't see anything..."

"It's just a child, just one! Over there, in front...!" Xie Anna listened to their tone, Realizing that he was the only one who saw the child, his heart suddenly became colder than his body. In horror works, only one person sees something that no one else can see. What this thing is is self-evident.

"Fu...Brother Fu, can I hold you?" Xie Anna couldn't help but get closer to Fu Yan, touched his arm, and then grabbed his sleeve, "I'm afraid, I'm serious, my mother is afraid of death Got it!"

She was really scared. After getting involved, she was worried that Fu Yan would say that he had ulterior motives and deliberately said something very vulgar. Fu Yan didn't feel anything yet, but the other two reporters were distracted by her tone and couldn't help but comment: "Xiao Xie, you are usually so... so informal."

Xie Anna didn't have time to care what they thought. I can only keep praying for another lightning strike, and then others can see the child.

But she also felt that if there was a lightning strike and the child's figure suddenly came closer, that would be scary...!

As if to verify Xie Anna's random thoughts, another lightning that illuminated the world lit up -

a child, standing on the hillside about 20 meters away from everyone!

"Fuck...!" The two male reporters were also frightened. They also saw clearly that it was a boy about ten years old, standing there blankly. But they quickly reacted and tried to get close to the child and said: "Kid, don't be afraid, we are not bad people, nor are we from the Holy Breath Village..."

They regarded the child as one who was chosen to be sacrificed on Marian Day. One, after all, if nothing special happened, there would not be such a young child running up the mountain to get soaked in the rain at this time and in this weather. Now he's all alone here, so...

"Did you escape on your own?" two reporters asked the boy.

But the boy didn't answer, he just stood there, motionless. When there is no lightning, you can't see his expression clearly, but you can be sure that his figure is still in the same place. The reporter who approached him thought he was too scared to move, so he comforted him while slowly climbing up towards him.

Fu Yan and Xie Anna were a step slower. Xie Anna was afraid. Although the child did not play "One, Two, Three Wooden Man" in the dark, it was still scary for him to stay there all the time! Suddenly meeting so many adults, he didn't react at all, as motionless as a sculpture. Isn't this weird?

She originally planned to go there next to Fu Yan, but Fu Yan didn't move for a moment, and Xie Anna couldn't help but think more. She pulled Fu Yan's sleeve nervously and whispered: "Brother Fu, is there a problem?"

Fu Yan seemed to have suddenly come to his senses: "...Hmm."

"Really?!" Xie Anna couldn't help but said, "Yes. Not a ghost?!"

She didn't dare to say the word "ghost" clearly, and the next few words were all pronounced in breath. Fu Yan was silent for a second and replied: "...I don't know."

"Don't know?" Xie Anna was confused, "Then you said there is a problem, what is it?"

Fu Yan didn't know how to express it for a while.

If Cen Yi and Cen Yi were here, they would definitely understand what he meant immediately, because they would also discover the biggest problem with that child.

——He actually looks like a smaller version of Fan Xiangyi!

Of course, not exactly the same. But how similar is it? If you take out a photo of this child, people who know Fan Xiangyi can immediately react, "This is Fan Xiangyi when he was a child."

Fu Yan naturally realized this quickly, and then he was confused. He couldn't figure out what was going on. After a few seconds of confusion, he managed to sort out three guesses:

first, this was Fan Xiangyi, but appeared as a child;

second, this was created by this horror game world. The image essentially has nothing to do with Fan Xiangyi;

thirdly, this is Fan Xiangyi, but it is the former Fan Xiangyi. Fu Yan came to Fan Xiangyi's past...or the image of the past.

——Which one is it?

Fu Yan couldn't tell for a while, but he felt that this must have something to do with Fan Xiangyi. In addition, if the appearance of this child was not due to Fan Xiangyi's original intention, then the BOSS of this horror game world...may have a special relationship with Fan Xiangyi.

Otherwise, who would dare to make fun of that tyrant? Once Fan Xiang found out, it wasn't surprising that the BOSS was crushed to ashes.

Fu Yan silently searched through the memories of his previous life and listed several "suspects", but none of them were sure. Moreover, these memories are not complete, and it is not meaningful for Fu Yan to seriously identify the "suspects".

Seeing that Fu Yan remained silent, Xie Anna asked, "Shall we go there?"

"...Go." Fu Yan said, then raised his feet and walked forward. Just at this moment, another lightning struck. Fu Yan subconsciously raised his head, and his eyes met the child's eyes.

At this moment, Fu Yan suddenly felt a strong gaze behind him!

Fu Yan suddenly looked back - there was only the vast darkness.

"Brother Fu?" Xie Anna noticed Fu Yan's movements and looked back, "What's wrong?"

"...No." After Fu Yan turned around, she felt that line of sight disappeared. In other words, it was more like Fu Yan's brief delusion and hallucination.

But Fu Yan felt that it was probably not an illusion.

He secretly noted this in his mind, and went up to the child with Xie Anna.

The lead reporter and another male reporter had been here for a while, but the kid didn't answer the several questions they asked. Fortunately, he can also move his eyes according to the movements of the two people, at least he can react, otherwise it would be really scary.

When Fu Yan and Xie Anna also arrived, the two reporters turned to them and said, "No, there's no answer at all. Maybe he's mute." The

lead reporter also raised his hand and tapped his temple: "It's also possible that he is mute. Here..."

He didn't finish his words, but everyone understood what he meant. This child reacted so little when he heard other people talking, and acted so blankly when he saw four strangers. There might be something wrong with his brain.

"Really..." Xie Anna hid behind Fu Yan, silently observing the boy who gave little feedback. With the little light in the lead reporter's arms, she saw that the boy's face looked very pale and his expression was dull. When the boy's pupils slowly turned around and faced Xie Anna's, Xie Anna always felt that the pupils were so big and so dark that they didn't look like a living person.

"...!" Xie Anna couldn't help but turned her eyes away and escaped from the other party's sight.

The boy looked directly at Fu Yan again.

Inexplicably, Fu Yan felt that he didn't have any malicious intent, and the look he looked at was no more fierce than the one behind him before. So Fu Yan calmly showed him what he wanted to do.

The leading reporter said: "Xiao Fu, he seems to care about you very much. Why don't you come and ask him?"

"Indeed." The male reporter also said beside him, "I heard that there is a disease in which people who suffer from the disease will only pay attention to the objects of their interest and ignore everything else in the outside world. Maybe you are the one he cares about now. Object, can you try talking to him?"

Fu Yan felt that he was talking about "autism". But the child in front of me doesn't seem to have this kind of disease.

Regardless, Fu Yan came to the boy and asked, "...can you talk?"

The boy didn't respond, but still looked at him.

Fu Yan asked again, "Do you understand me?"

This time the boy responded. He blinked slowly and then nodded slightly.

"...There is a reaction!" the male reporter said, "Ask him why he is here!"

Fu Yan thought for a while and changed the question: "Where did you come here from?"

The boy turned around and raised his head. The finger pointed in an upward direction.

"Come from the mountain?" the male reporter asked in surprise, "Did he really escape?!"

Fu Yan asked: "Are there many other children there?"

The boy nodded again.

Fu Yan asked again: "How many are there, do you know?"

The boy looked at him without responding.

Fu Yan had no choice but to ask, "Are there many adults watching over you?"

The boy nodded and then shook his head.

The reporters looked confused: "What does this mean?"

Fu Yan thought for a while: "There are adults guarding him, but not many?"

The boy nodded.

"How many?" Fu Yan stretched out his hand and raised his fingers, "One? Two? Three..."

The boy held Fu Yan's hand and bent back the third finger he extended, leaving his index and middle fingers free. . Everyone understood that there were only two watchers.

Fu Yan's eyes fell on the other person's hands holding his, and he felt his fingers were cold.

Some thoughts flashed through Fu Yan's mind and he squinted his eyes: "There were people guarding him, how did you escape?"

The boy closed his eyes and opened them again after a while. Fu Yan actually understood: "Are they all asleep?"

The boy didn't speak, just looked at him.

"Isn't this a good opportunity? With so many children, only two people are watching, and they are all asleep!" The male reporter took him as his acquiescence and said, "If we take the opportunity to break through, we may not have a chance!"

"You also said it There are so many children, and since the villagers can rest assured that only two people can keep an eye on them, there is a high probability that they have used other means of control." Fu Yan glanced at him, "Think about the offerings in the car." The

male reporter was startled. Obviously the reason has come to mind. It would be much easier to take care of the children if they were given the medicine first. However, after the medicine fell, it could be due to fainting, or...

the lead reporter frowned and asked, "Are all the other children still alive?"

Fu Yan asked this question, and the boy nodded.

"Then let's... at least go take a look?" the male reporter said. "At least confirm the location first, so that we can write down the location clearly when writing reports in the future."

Fu Yan felt that their efforts to save people had not yet stopped.

But it's always right to go take a look. Players also need to find out the truth about Holy Breath Village and the Virgin Mother. There should be important clues in the place where the children are imprisoned.

"Then let's go." Fu Yan looked at the boy, "Can you lead the way? And..."

He looked at the boy's hand that still hadn't let go and said, "Can you let go?"

The boy actually counted. From the beginning, he has been holding Fu Yan's hand with both hands!

Even if Fu Yan asked him to let go now, the boy did not act immediately, as if Fu Yan's words had not yet formed an order in his mind. The horror movie associations in Xie Anna's mind came again, and she grabbed Fu Yan's clothes to help him withdraw his hand.

The next moment, the boy let go of his hand.

But instead of letting go completely, he held Fu Yan's hand and looked down at the bloody wound on his hand.

Then, he lowered his head, stuck out the tip of his tongue, and licked gently.

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