Chapter 191 - Split up.

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The reporter NPC and the player, a total of eight people, were hiding in the grass completely motionless and did not dare to show their anger.

In order to get closer to the Holy Breath Village, they had gone too close to the roadside. If it was a bright moonlit night, they might be discovered. Fortunately, there was heavy rain and dark clouds, which became their best cover. The reporters were crouched and huddled, with only simple hats or coats protecting them from the rain, but these shelters were already soaked through. They couldn't see exactly how many people there were, but listening to the movement and the high and low voices, they knew that there were definitely a lot of people.

"Hurry up!" The village chief's voice was a little blurry in the rainy night, and you had to concentrate to hear it clearly. "Hurry up and deal with those city people before the rain stops, and you will save a lot of time to clean up. Don't waste the Holy Mother." This rain of reward!"

"Is this really necessary, Old Liu?" a man's voice in the crowd asked, "They may not really know what's going on in our village." "

You weren't there when we brought Zhao Jinhua back, Old Liu?" Zhang and the others heard it. Zhao Jinhua said that she had told the reporters from the city about what happened in our village. When they return to the city, they will make these things public and attract the police in the city!" the village chief said loudly He said, probably wanting his words to be heard by everyone, "The police may not be able to find anything out of the investigation, but if outsiders know the existence of the Holy Mother and come to our village to share the blessings, are you willing? Then the outsiders will also kill them. Not only that, we can't rush them all. If they insist on living here and enjoy the benefits without paying anything, are you willing?!"

"No!" Another villager responded loudly, "The Holy Mother is the protector of Shengxi Village. God, it has nothing to do with these foreigners!"

"That's right. If foreigners come, it will be more difficult for us to hold the Madonna Festival in the future; if the police come, they may even smash the statue of the Virgin Mary and prohibit us from holding the Madonna Festival. "The village chief said, "Do you think we should stop these reporters?"


"Should we silence them?!"


"And there happen to be several children in our village who have not yet married. There happened to be three female reporters. I heard that my mother is smart and her children are also smart." The village chief changed the subject again, "If they can't leave the Holy Breath Village, they won't be able to tell the people in the city about the Virgin Mother. Do you want to keep them here? Come down?!"


Encouraged by the village chief, the accompanying villagers responded one after another. Just listening to the movement, there were at least a dozen people, and it turned out that more people than reporters were dispatched.

If the reporters really stayed where they were and confronted them, they would be in serious trouble even if they were not drugged. Not to mention that the weak reporter is at a physical disadvantage. Just looking at the number of people, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

The villagers gradually moved away, and the last thing they heard was a person asking: "Are they really still there? They didn't drive away in their cars, right?"

"No. The soldier couldn't even repair their cars. , we can only wait for rescue." The village chief replied, "Besides, the heavy rain has washed away the road, and there is a landslide a little past Zhao Jinhua's natal village. There is no access from both ends, and no one will come to help them repair the car..."

The voice gradually disappeared. Under the rain curtain, the reporters waited for a while to confirm that there was no more noise, and then finally relaxed.

The female reporter's voice was trembling a little: "If we hadn't left, would they have killed us now?" "

It seems so. I heard the collision of iron tools, and they must have brought weapons. These unscrupulous people , it's not a bad thing." A male reporter beside her replied, "The road is actually blocked. If we all stay in the car, even if they don't come looking for us, we will all have to run out of ammunition and food."

The leading reporter also A deeper question came to mind: "If the roads in front and back are really impassable, how are we going to get back to the city..."

None of them knew the roads outside the city very well. If the main road is closed, even if they are willing to take a detour, they don't know how. The soldier may know, but he is not with the reporters now, and the reporters have nowhere to ask.

Another male reporter may have also thought of the soldier, and whispered: "If the villagers besiege the soldier, he won't be killed directly by them..." "

He has guns, one for each, then How dare you rush forward to help the unruly people? It is better to worry about him than to worry about ourselves." The male reporter squatting next to the female reporter answered again, paused, and suddenly said, "Fang Xinyue, are you cold or scared? ? I feel like you're shaking!"

"...I'm not afraid! It's cold, because the rain has soaked my innermost clothes." Female reporter Fang Xinyue is actually afraid. The villagers discussed unscrupulously how to deal with the three female reporters. In just a few words, they revealed that they would lock them in Shengxi Village forever, away from their families, cities and modern society. Fang Xinyue couldn't help but feel cold at the thought that she might fall into such a desperate situation.

She vaguely regretted that she had insisted on coming back to investigate instead of agreeing to leave directly. Although the road is blocked, the way back to the city may not be smooth, but at least we can stay away from this devil's cave first! This is great, Fu Yan was right, these ignorant villagers really fell in love with the young female reporters!

But Fang Xinyue was now embarrassed to say "Don't go or run away", so she could only say in a roundabout way: "Can we find a place to hide from the rain first..."

Fu Yan heard this and said in a breathy voice: " She wants to run away."

"...Huh?" Only Cen Yi, who was closest to him, heard his words. He leaned closer and replied in a breathy voice, "Isn't that true? She was so determined just now..."

Fu Yan did not explain, only said: " If all the NPCs are caught, it is easiest to protect her."

This was another topic. Cen Yi was stunned for a moment and quickly understood what he said. The mission of the game is to keep the NPC alive. If Fang Xinyue is captured by the villagers, she may just be tortured and not killed so quickly. Then her survival rate before the end of the game is the highest.

Here they whispered about the mission, and the NPC reporters were discussing the next action.

"Farmers' feet are much faster than ours. If they find that we have run away, they will either chase us or return quickly." Another male reporter said, "It is best to chase us, but they will not come back for a long time. If they decide to come back, it would take us more than forty minutes for a trip when it's not raining. Even though it's raining now, the villagers may only take forty minutes for a round trip.

"Anyway, I feel that we shouldn't miss this time slot. They have gone out with so many young and middle-aged people, and the vigilance in the village is weak now. We should take advantage of the rain to approach the village and investigate. "

Rain is also good for hiding our footprints..." The lead reporter thought for a while and then asked, "Xiao Fu, what do you think?" "

Fu Yan was still talking to Cen Yi, and suddenly he was called out: "What? The lead reporter asked: "

What do you think the next step should be?" "

..." Fu Yan was a little confused as to why the other party asked him, but when he thought about it, he sighed inwardly that this reporter with the longest experience was indeed

very sophisticated. Fu Yan really didn't rush to the front, but Cen Yi and others didn't care. No matter what, they will wait for Fu Yan to express his opinion in the end. The leading reporter has already seen that these four are an action group, and Fu Yan is the leader among them. Asking Fu Yan's opinion is equivalent to knowing the opinions of most people at once.

Fu Yan After thinking for a while, he said, "I said that if human sacrifice is used on the Holy Mother's Day, the place where the sacrifice will be made... at least the place where the corpse will be disposed of will most likely be outside the village. We should go around the village and look for it. "

Leading reporter: "Then..."

"I haven't finished speaking yet. Fu Yan added, "I think we should separate." "

"What? ! "The most shocked person after hearing this was Xie Anna. She felt that these NPCs should be preserved as much as possible and gathered together. Moreover, the law of "unity leads to life, division leads to death" in horror movies is also very applicable in the world of horror games!

But now Fu Yan actually proposed to separate? Are you serious?

"With eight people together, the target is too big." Fu Yan explained lightly, "It's raining and at night now. Once it's daytime, we will be easily exposed. Let's not talk about the entire crowd, just the grass when we passed by Can't those farmers who grew up in the countryside see the indentations? If they check the situation near the truck during the day, they can easily find the traces of our entry. If we move together in such a large group, it will be slow and conspicuous. , it is better to separate early."

Fu Yan is usually too lazy to explain for such a long time, but there is no time in the current situation. He simply does it by himself and speeds up the pace: "So my suggestion is that we disperse the investigation."

Cen Yi waited for him to finish and said immediately: "I agree."

Cen Yi also said: "I agree too."

Xie Anna fell silent. Even though she had many different opinions, she still followed what she said before and followed the instructions of Fu Yan and others.

So ten minutes later, the eight-person group turned into two groups of four and four.

Fu Yan took Xie Anna, plus the lead reporter and a male reporter. Cen Yi and Cen Yi's team, plus Fang Xinyue and the remaining male reporter. The two parties agreed to meet at six o'clock at dawn at the latest in the grove closest to the tree with the crow hanging at the entrance of the village. If both parties arrived early, they would leave as soon as possible.

The players all knew that things might not be that simple, but they still followed the agreement and separated.

Fu Yan's team of four people circled the periphery of the village and gradually reached the foot of a mountain.

In fact, there are no weeds or groves along the way, only farmland surrounding the village. In order to reduce their footprints, the four of them tried their best to step on weeds under the field ridges or in puddles that were difficult to notice. This way, even if there were any footprints, they would be easily washed away by the rain. After all this tossing, I still don't know if they will be discovered. The four of them have been through a lot of tossing.

I can only be thankful that it rained heavily at night, and neither the people nor the dogs in the village noticed the four outsiders.

They stopped at the bottom of the mountain and soon found a path leading upward. There are obviously still some traces of people walking on this road. There are still torches on both sides of the road that are the same as those at the entrance of the village, but they have been extinguished now. Just as a bolt of lightning flashed across the night sky, Fu Yan discovered that there were some red strips of cloth tied to the torch. The water stains dripping down the cloth strips could not be told more like blood or rain.

The lead reporter asked: "Are you going up?"

Fu Yan said: "Go up."

"I think so. There is probably something on the mountain. Even if there isn't, it would be best to find a cave to take shelter from the rain." The lead reporter said, "Let's go."

They said they wanted to leave, but they didn't dare to go directly up the road. The traces are one thing, but the fear that there are still villagers left to guard the mountain is another. They had no choice but to choose a place with plants and slowly climb up the mountain road not far or near.

After all, the reporters' physical strength was not enough, and someone soon slipped and fell. Although Fu Yan fell, his wounds became dirtier and more serious because he was holding on to branches and stones.

Except for Cen Yi, no one else knew he was injured. Fu Yan also washed his hands casually with rainwater and continued upward.

When they were almost halfway up the mountain, each lightning bolt seemed to be getting closer and closer to their heads. It is self-evident how dangerous it is to walk under a tree when there is lightning. Xie Anna always feels that the lightning will hit her head in the next second.

She couldn't help but tugged at Fu Yan, and was about to say something when suddenly a flash of lightning illuminated everything in front of her.

Xie Anna's pupils shrank, and the words she blurted suddenly changed.

"...There's a kid there!"

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