Chapter 197 - Convergence

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Xie Anna and the two reporters saw that they were back, and they all breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately you are okay! We were all shocked when we saw you going in, and then when we saw villagers going in, we were all Scared to death! Didn't you bump into them?"

"No, I hid." Fu Yan pointed at the boy and said, "Why did he run in?"

"We didn't pay attention." The lead reporter sighed, "Those villagers went in and came out, but two people were missing. We wondered if something happened to you inside, and whether we should rush in to save you. Just after saying a few words, the child rushed over. We really didn't catch him. Stop."

Fu Yan narrowed his eyes.

These people said that they were considering whether to save themselves at the time, but not only did they not catch the boy who rushed out, they even changed the hiding place. They were obviously afraid of death, but they just didn't want to sound so cowardly.

"Fortunately, you are all okay." The lead reporter looked at the boy, "What happened to the two people who were still inside? How did you get out?"

"Zhao Jinhua was tied up and given medicine, and she fell asleep. The person guarding her also Asleep." Fu Yan responded casually, which was not a lie anyway, "I met the children on the way out, so we came out together." "I

see, it seems that the children were quite excited and did not have a direct conflict with them. ." The lead reporter asked, "What did you see inside? Are the children inside? Did the villagers find that the boy was missing when they went in?"

They all wanted to know what was going on in Fu Yan's cave, and their questions were like machine guns. of. But Fu Yan said: "Let's go farther away first. It's still too close to the cave and it's not safe." "

That's fine, let's find a place to stay for a while." The leading reporter looked at his watch and said, "Now it's so far away There are still several hours until the gathering time. Let's find a place that can protect us from the rain and rest for a while?"

There are women and children in the team. It is really not good to delay the operation all night. Fu Yan nodded in agreement and added: "The villagers They will come up later, we'd better find a more secluded place."

"Ah? Why are they coming up again? Then are we unsafe on the mountain?"

"It's hard to say, but..." Fu Yan didn't say anything. After finishing, he was suddenly pulled by the boy. Before he could ask "What's wrong?" the boy pulled him two steps to the side and hid behind a bush. Fu Yan reacted quite quickly. When he was pulled over, he immediately whispered: "Hidden!"

Although the other three people didn't notice anything yet, they instinctively hid. They even quickly turned out the lights in their arms and squatted down. , or even lie directly on the ground. The ground was muddy and wet on a rainy night, and Xie Anna, as a girl, didn't care at all and huddled tightly behind the tall herbs.

Fu Yan and the boy were next to each other, still holding hands tightly. Fu Yan noticed that the boy was pulling him with his right hand this time, and thought that the writing on his hand would be blurred this time.

Just at this moment, a gust of cold wind on a rainy night blew by, and Fu Yan couldn't help but shiver again. He couldn't tell now whether it was the boy who was cold or whether he was freezing too. It was really exhausting to keep running after being caught in the rain all night. At this moment, Fu Yan's thoughts were highly consistent with those of Cen Yi last night - it would be nice to be able to switch the scene to another world.

The boy noticed his movement and squeezed his hands a little harder. At first, Fu Yan thought he was going to express something again, and was waiting for more hints from him, but he didn't wait. After a few seconds, Fu Yan realized that the boy might be caring about him.

So he pinched the boy as a response.

The few people waited motionless and with bated breath for a long time, and finally there was a movement from the bottom of the hillside.

I have to say, this movement is quite big. The swishing footsteps and various sounds of brushing aside the bushes were much more majestic than when Fu Yan and others quietly climbed up the mountain. At first glance, Fu Yan and others thought it was the villagers coming. But after a few seconds, Fu Yan realized something was wrong.

If the villagers started sweeping the mountain looking for someone, they would definitely light up their lamps and talk to each other, but those approaching at the foot of the hillside would not say a word. Fu Yan's mind was racing, and he boldly let go of the boy to touch his watch, and looked around.

To be honest, it was too dark to see clearly.

But now they were very close. Fu Yan heard a "swish" sound, and then heard a suppressed voice saying: "Be careful!"

- it was Cen Yi!

Fu Yan went out immediately and said in a lowered voice: "Cen Yi!"

"Fuck...!" Cen Yi, who had just picked up Cen Yi, was startled, "Why are you here too? Run!" "

Why? What's going on?!" The lead reporter also stood up, "

Is someone chasing you?" "No, something happened in the village. When the village chief and others came back, they found that we had all run away, and they seemed to suspect that we had entered the village. Village search..." Cen Yi paused and couldn't help but said, "Tell me as you walk, don't just stand here stupidly."

Fu Yan then picked up the boy and prepared to leave. Cen Yi couldn't see the person's face clearly, but when he got closer, he could barely make out the outline. However, he didn't think about it elsewhere at first, and just asked: "Who are you pulling? Xie Anna?"

Xie Anna's voice came from the other side. Came out: "I'm here."

Cen Yi was stunned: "Then who is this?"

"A child escaped from the cave." The lead reporter answered, "They took the child to a cave in the mountain. There, the cave is on the mountainside, and Xiao Fu even went in to take a look."

"What?! The children were taken to this mountain!" Cen Yi said in shock, "They said that the villagers guarding the children fell asleep and fell into the mountain. In some kind of pit, the village chief said that it was probably the reporters who came back to disrupt the ceremony, so they started searching everywhere. If something happened to the guards on this mountain, they would definitely search the mountain!" "

So, we ran on the opposite side. "?" A male reporter who followed them said, "I thought it would be safer to go up the mountain, but now it seems more dangerous. Let's go down quickly!" "

If we go down now, we will probably run into them again." Cen Yi said, " I've seen it during the day. This mountain range is endless and huge. Let's go deeper first, at least until dawn before making other plans." "

Okay." Fu Yan also made a decision immediately, "There is a cave not far above, they are sure They will be searched soon. Let's go in another direction first."

Cen Yi said: "I remember the direction, follow me."

He immediately changed direction and went sideways, and Cen Yi, Xie Anna, and Fu Yan, who was holding the boy, also followed. The other reporters had no other ideas and had no choice but to follow.

A group of nine people acted together, and the traces were still very obvious. Now we can only pray that the villagers will not search the mountain too quickly at night. A group of people did not dare to light their lamps and stumbled forward in the dark. Fortunately, Cen Yi did remember the direction clearly and led everyone to the connection between the peaks dozens of minutes later. After everyone climbed over and walked for about an hour, the female reporter Fang Xinyue suddenly knelt down on the ground and said, "I can't stand it anymore. I really can't walk anymore."

She was already cold, and her whole body felt weak after she fell. After going down, I was panting and couldn't get up for a while. In fact, several other reporters were also exhausted, but others were still walking, so they had no choice but to grit their teeth and persevere. At this moment, Fang Xinyue collapsed, and the leading reporter followed: "Yeah, let's rest for a while. We have girls and children here. It's really exhausting to walk on the mountain for so long on a rainy night."

Another A male reporter also said: "I don't think we should go too deep into the mountains. Being so far away from human habitation, who knows if there are wild animals in the mountains."

If Cen Yi and Cen Yi were too lazy to care about these dejected NPCs before, how far could they have run? How far to run. But this time to protect these people, they all refused to leave. Cen Yi and Cen Yi had no choice but to stop.

Everyone sat next to each other on a relatively flat slope to protect each other from the wind and keep warm. Amid the sound of gasping for breath from exhaustion, Cen Yi thought of the child being held by Fu Yan, and said half-jokingly: "Your physical strength is not as good as that of a child, who has been walking for so long without saying a word."

The leading reporter said: "In the village The children are used to it. Besides, he is mute, so what kind of sound can he make?"

"Mute?" Cen Yi felt a little regretful after hearing this. He also planned to ask the child what the village and the ceremony were about, but unexpectedly the clue was lost. Let's just say this mission won't be easy.

Fang Xinyue also said: "What a pity. But can children know how to write? If so, it's okay..."

Fu Yan said: "Can't speak, can't sign language, can't write."

Fang Xinyue: "..."

Cen Yi He complained in a breathy voice: "Oh, Helen Keller is not as difficult to communicate as he is."

"But Xiao Fu entered that cave." The lead reporter suddenly said something shocking, "Xiao Fu, now you can tell me what you saw inside Are you there? Just in time to prevent everyone from falling asleep."

"...Huh?" Cen Yi was a little stunned, but then he figured it out and only sighed, "As expected of you."

"What a coincidence." Fu Yan responded casually. , and then recounted the scenes he saw and the conversations he heard after entering the cave. Of course, he covered up the fact that the boy knocked out the guard, and he didn't tell anyone about his private exchange with the boy. He could tell Cen Yi and others about this part, but he couldn't tell the reporter NPC, and it was even inconvenient to inform Xie Anna.

The reporters were all dumbfounded after hearing this. It took a long time before Fang Xinyue murmured in shock: "So, these people are sending ten children to die every ten years just for the illusory glory and wealth? I think the rising and falling waters are The water is probably just a natural change in the water level in the mountains. Because of their ignorance, the villagers stunned the children and threw them in, and then waited for them to drown?" "

But isn't there a miracle this Mary's Day?" A male reporter asked, "Didn't they get food during the famine before?"

"The food in the mountains, even if you caught a hare on the way, is it all a gift from the so-called Holy Mother?" Fang Xinyue said. , "Let's talk about the miracles of the Holy Mother's Day. Who knows if someone is pretending to be a ghost. There are always some villagers who don't want to sacrifice their own children, right? After they were forced to sacrifice in the past, they pretended to be a ghost to take revenge on other families. Look at Zhao Jinhua in the village chief's house. She is just a pregnant woman. She is really an evil god who likes to eat children. Would she want an aborted stillborn child? It is obvious that the villagers are holding a grudge and can't wait to take revenge on the village chief. In the past, the village chief justly asked other people to sacrifice their children. Now let him have a taste of this!"

Fang Xinyue's speculation turned out to be very reasonable.

To be honest, if there wasn't a child who looked exactly like Fan Xiangyi, who confirmed the existence of the Holy Mother, Fu Yan would probably have the same guess as Fang Xinyue.

However, some people still refuted her: "But didn't it written in the village chronicle of Shengxi Village that the Holy Mother of God had been blessing their village a long time ago? If it was all false, all the people in Shengxi Village would have disappeared long ago. How could it be possible that it would still be there after a hundred years? Are you really reproducing here like this?"

Fu Yan heard this and asked doubtfully, "Village Chronicles?"

"Yes." Cen Yi said as he opened his backpack and took out two books.

"You didn't expect it, I even brought it out!"

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