Chapter 48 - Interpretation of Dreams

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Cen Yi's dream still has a sense of sight.

She became the princess who was pushed out to make peace with the outside world.

At the beginning, Cen Yi also faced the "three tribunals", and that scene was simply a replica of the ideological work for the three princesses before. Cen Yi didn't know if she was being controlled or if she was just here to watch. In short, when the queen and the queen mother took turns to deliver speeches to Cen Yi, she couldn't say a word.

In fact, these nobles in the harem are not the ones Cen Yi knew in the daytime. But it's hard to think of this in a dream. When Cen Yi woke up and hurriedly made a record, she realized that the queen mother and queen in the dream were different from the ones in the palace now.

In short, in the end, the queen mother asked Cen Yi and figured it out.

Cen Yi said: "...Okay."

"This is a good boy." The queen mother finally showed a relieved expression and asked Cen Yi's mother-in-law to take her back to her palace. The official will of the emperor will not come until tomorrow, but the dowry has already begun to be delivered. Cen Yi's mother-in-law took her to see those treasures, which were dazzling, but the more she looked, the more sad her face became.

Before going to bed at night, Cen Yi was stripped of her coat, and when she was going to sleep in her underwear, the mother-in-law came to her room.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Daughter, go at the fifth watch, before your Majesty's will comes." The mother-in-law brought a set of clothes to Cen Yi herself. The clothes looked relatively simple, and Cen Yi's mind immediately realized that they were the clothes of servants who could go out of the palace to buy.

"Your mother is useless, there is no family that can keep you safe. Run, run as far as you can." The mother-in-law put the clothes on Cen Yi's bed, "Mother has already arranged things, someone will take you Go out of the city. Bring your gold jewelry, get on the boat and run south, find a good family to marry, and live a peaceful life..."

Cen Yi asked, "What about you, mother?"

"Me? I'm just your daughter. "The beautiful concubine sat beside the bed, looked at Cen Yi and sighed, "I have nothing to worry about when you are gone."

"Mother..." Cen Yi sat beside her, "You don't want to die."

"If you can live, who wants to die? But living in this deep palace, what's the difference between living and dying sometimes?" Facing the direction of the window, he said faintly, "If I send my own daughter into the fire pit for my own sake, what's the difference between this and a beast?"

At this moment, many images flashed in Cen Yi's mind.

For example, a concubine who was silent among the concubines and watched as her daughter was forced to "agree" to marry far away.

For example, a princess who was resolutely unwilling to marry an enemy, tried every means to obstruct the marriage, and even went to the emperor on her knees to ask for a fight.

Another example is that the princess had to agree to marry during the day, but in the early morning she changed her servant's clothes and escaped from the palace. In the end, she disguised herself as a man and desperately entered the military camp

. After all, Cen Yi couldn't tell whether she really thought about it or just talking nonsense. In short, she said, "I'm not leaving."

"...Why?" The concubine frowned and persuaded in a low voice, "Are you worried about this palace? Daughter, you are only a teenager, you are still young, and you don't know your life. It is precious, and I don't know how vicious those places in the outer borders are..."

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