Chapter one: Introduction

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Eleanor Davis is a mother of three children living in a small city in Michigan. She is married to her loving husband and father to her three children: Allen Davis. Allen works has a standard office job, he is on the verge of being promoted to manager. Eleanor stays at home with the children all day and cleans the house. She is the stereotypical soccer mom, she is involved in all of the school events and extracurriculars. Eleanor cares for her kids day and night, she packs their lunches every night, puts them to bed, and doesn't even go out with her friends, just so she can spend time with her kids. Her kids however, just want their dad to pay attention to them. But he goes to work early and works late. Poor Eleanor is desperate after he denies her attempts to make him feel empathy for the children. So she investigates his work shifts and off schedule. She finds out something very difficult to process, and takes matters into her own hands. What was he hiding? Why did she do what she did? What will she do next?

* Eleanor Davis (37)
Mother and wife
Long brunette hair/always done up
Hazel eyes
Peach skin
Typical housewife
Clean put together style
Kind and quiet
Puts family over all

*Allen Davis (42)
Father and husband
Black slicked back hair
Dark brown eyes
Light brown skin
Typical office job
Rugged suit and tie style
Cold and opinionated
Puts 'work' over family

*Elizabeth/Lizzy Davis (10)
Sister and daughter
Short dark brown hair/always down
Hazel eyes
Peach skin
Plays soccer
Messy/tomboy style
Bubbly and empathetic
Family matters most

*Charlotte/Charlie Davis (7)
Sister and daughter
Long light brown hair/always styled
Hazel eyes
Tan skin
Does ballet
Girly/ballerina style
Cheerful and sweet
Everything is equal

*Jack Davis (6)
Brother and son
Short black hair/messy and in face
Dark brown eyes
Tan skin
Does karate
T-shirt and basketball shorts
Loud and impulsive
Not a thought in the world

|Authors note|: Everything is fake!!! TW for whole story. Don't watch if you are sensitive or easily get upset.

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